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Xavier was quite concerned. He had picked up first a signature of something that was a mix between magic and mutant, something he had only seen with one other person, and she was locked away in an institution. He then sensed a power spike from Avalanche that showed a mass amount of power spreading through the area, harsh and rawer then ever before he had seen from the boy.

Thus he had sent all of the X-men disinclining Jean, who was on a date with Duncan at the time to investigate. None of the teenagers were prepared to find a whole section of the park bent up and buckled in a complete circle of waves. Summers could only stare at the whole area, his eyes taken it in.

"I knew he was this big of a psycho path," the boy muttered, not noticing Kitty look at him, shock and hurt at what he had just said.

"He didn't mean to, did he," she spluttered out.

"Look, I know you like to look at the best of things, but this was bad Kitty, worse then what he's done before. It doesn't matter that he didn't mean to," Evan commented.

Kurt bamfed over to where Lance had left his backpack. "Vhat's this?"

Rouge walked over, nonchalant about the whole thing. She then spoke up in surprise. "Guys… this is Lance's stuff. I don't think he would just leave it sitting here."

Kurt opened it, pulling out the wallet. "Expessully not this."

Evan hurried over and grabbed it, opening up. "Yo, there is a picture of Lance when he was younger… there's a little girl with him."

Rouge went and snatched the wallet and backpack from the boys. "Sheesh, can't you guys be even bigger snoops!"

"Scott," Kitty said, looking at the older boy, with worry on her face. "If Lance isn't here, where is he? Where is his jeep?"

"Maybe he got knocked out by one of the Brotherhood and taken back to the boarding house." Scott commented. "They're always together."

"No they ain't," Rouge commented. "If his backpack is where it is, he was trying to get away from the rest of them for awhile, like I did sometimes. Something is defiantly wrong."

Scott wasn't happy about being rebuked. "You still can't know for sure."


The girl sat in what ever vehicle she was in and watched the boy sleeping. He wasn't looking any better then he had when she had been able to sing him asleep and was extremely pale. She had remembered when she had first seen him that he had a darker color to him, but when she had asked who she was, who he was, his eyes had rolled back into his head.

The whole rolling of his eyes and the contorting of his body was scary, something she knew she had never seen before, and she had seen bad things before. Something wasn't quite right with the boy, making it so that she needed him as much as he needed her at this point. Fact was though, she didn't know how to help him any more then she knew how to help herself.

Questions of who she was, where she was formed in her mind, causing her to be in a not so good mood. She fingered the band on her arm and had her lips pursed in consitration. Remembering who she was seemed an important thing, at least for her. As for the boy, what she could do at this point she couldn't tell. He reminded her of someone she cared a lot about or something, and by helping him, she figured she might remember something.

Suddenly, a car pulled up next to them, with a warrior like guy and a girl with red hair. "Duncan, I can't believe that you brought me to this place! Even I know it is the make out place!"

"Ahh, come on Jean," the boy said, turning to look at the jeep. "Look, Alver's is here."

"Don't even say that… he would do things like that with anyone including…" Jean said, suddenly freaking out and getting out of the car. "Good grief, please tell me that he hasn't done anything to Kitty."

The girl looked at the girl with red hair and pointed a finger at herself, "Is my name Kitty?"

"Don't get sassy with me," Jean commented. "Thank god Kitty isn't here. She is going to be miffed though that… Alvers, are you alright?"

"Leave him alone Jean and come have some fun," Duncan commented, getting out of the car. "Can't wait though to tell everyone at school he was having sex with someone."

The oriental girl got out of the car and went and glared at the boy. "What is this sex you talk about?"

"You know, where a boy and girl make out, the stuff to make babies," Duncan commented, causing both girls to glare at them.

"I did not have sex with anybody," the girl commented, suddenly sending out the voice waves and Duncan who covered his ears and winced.

"What the hell did you do to me Bitch," the boy said.

Jean suddenly put her hands to her forehead. "You were not here. You did not bring me here. You did not see Lance or this girl here. You are leaving now."

With that, Duncan put the car into reverse and backed out of the lot, leaving. Jean grabbed the girls shoulder hard. "What is going on here?"

"I haven't a clue what I just did," the girl stammered, telling the truth. She then glanced at the boy. She could have possibly have been the reason he had ended up the way he had.

"Look… what exactly is your relationship with Lance?" the Jean asked her.

"I don't know," the girls said. "Siblings… we both can't remember who we are."

This caused Jean to blink a couple of times, then glance at Lance. She hadn't received the mental note from the professor, and Lance really didn't look to good. She decided to contact Scott to see what was going on. "Scott, I found Lance and he doesn't look to good."

"Good, when he gets better I am going to beat the crap out of him for trashing the park," Scott commented back.

"Scott, that is uncalled for, who all is with you?" Jean commented.

"I am with the rest of the team, why?" Scott scent to her.

"I need you to get Kurt to teleport him and Evan up to Look Out point. I then need you to take Rouge and Kitty to go get the rest of the Brotherhood from the boarding house… tell Pietro to run to the drive in movie theater and meet us there."

"Jean, what ever for. I don't want a 'play date' with the Brotherhood, thank you very much," Scott commented.

"It is important," Jean commented, to which Scott grumbled too.

It was then that Professor X contacted her. "Jean… I found an odd signature near you…"

"I found her… I'll handle it Professor," Jean commented.

WinX: Melody (X-Men Evolution/Winx Club Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now