Chapter 1

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                                  Iris's POV
         I sat on a bar stool as I watched my friends enjoy the booze at this party. I knew were each one of them was just by knowing how they are when their drunk.
         Selena, Joy, Evelyn, and Lucy are somewhere on the dance floor with some guys
         Rodger was on a couch not far from me, drinking and making out with some random chick.
         Janette was playing beer pong with her boyfriend Dallas in the living room.
        Sebastian, or Seb for short. Was taking shots right next to me with Kade.
         I bet you're wondering 'Why aren't you drinking and hanging too?'
         Well, I don't drink because of my past; my father was a drunk and use to hurt me and my twin sister. My mom left and when I mean left I mean died. Selena is my twin sister. We really don't look alike anymore, because we both dyed are hair. I dyed my hair pastel pink; Selena dyed her hair pastel blue. Also I look way meaner than she does, she looks sweet and seductive.
         I took another smoke of my cigarette then blew out the smoke a few seconds later. I looked at my phone it was 12:49, and it was time to go. I patted Seb's shoulder making him and Kade look to me. "Go to the truck while I gather the others." I tell them.
  "Ok." Kade slurred to me. They then took their last shot and headed to my truck. I got Rodger, then Janette and Dallas, and finally the other four girls.
         "Let's go." I tell them and they went to follow me, but the boys they were dancing with grabbed their arms roughly. "Come with us instead girls," One guy slurred to my friends.
"No they aren't." I say, stepping in. They let go of the girls arms and looked at me. I am only 5'3 and I people think I am super cute when I'm angry. Well, that is till it's unleashed on them.
"Go to the truck." I tell the girl and they make their way, stumbling a bit. "Who do you think you are?" Another guy asked.
"Your worst nightmare bitch." I say.
         He and his buddies chuckled at me "Listen, you brought this on yourselves." I tell them. And before they could ask anything, I punched the middle guys nose, feeling it crack a bit. He goes down and his buddies look at me, shocked. "That was for grabbing my sister's arm like that." I say. I then walk away, leaving them and a bunch of drunk idiots to dance around them. I bumped into someone and mumbled an apology.
         "Watch where you're going bitch." I hear in a banshee like voice. I just flipped her off as I kept going. "Might want to get your voice box checked. Sound like a dying pig." I say, hearing her scream, which was way worse than her voice. But I found it funny. I am a bitch I swear.
         I get to the truck to see them all sleeping soundly in the bed. I shake my head, but got in my black Dodge Ram 1500. I started the truck up and drove off with all of them still sleeping. Just one night when we do this would I like to not punch a guy in the nose, I thought to myself. "Oh well." I say and then pull up to the house we all share.
         Yes, we are High Schoolers, but we all dislike the places we lived so, yeah. I woke them all up and we went inside. Immediately Rodger took his guest upstairs and I shook my head. Janette belly flopped onto the couch and Evelyn curled up in the recliner. Selena went to her room, and so did Lucy. Kade wen to his room, Seb and Joy went to their room they shared, and Dallas went to the bathroom to puke. I continued to shake my head as I head upstairs; as I pass Rodger's room I hear moaning and shiver in disgust.
          I change out of my clothes and into some PJs after my shower. I braid my hair to the side and sit at my desk looking for anything intriguing to me. I heard a knock on the door and told whoever to come in. "Iris." I hear a familiar voice say, then recognized it as Selena. I turned around to her in my spiny chair.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Can I sleep in here?" She asked me and I just looked at her.
         She wasn't as skinny as we both used to be. Her once brown hair was now a pastel blue, but she still had her brown eyes like mine. She was now 5'4, only a inch taller than me, but I am still older than her by a minute and thirty-six seconds. She was no longer wearing her skin tight red cocktail dress. She was now in some black short shorts and a light blue tank top.
         "Sure." I say and she walked over to my bed, slipping under the covers. Ever since the abuse with our father, she has nightmares. Not as many as she used to, but still she had some. Me, I have them too, but no one knows. I climbed into the bed and turned off my lamp, which was the only light at the time.
         "Iris?" I hear Selena say after a while.
"Hmm?" I say sleepily.
  "Do you sometimes remember the smell of him?" she asked me.
I turned to face her and she looked like beaten dog with her sad eyes. "Yeah," I say "He smelled like alcohol and death." Selena nodded her head in agreement. "And a horny blonde bimbo." I add, making Selena laugh and I joined her.
         We both fell asleep after laughing about a couple of things, and it felt good to. And I didn't have any nightmares, so I win in life right now!

         I woke up  and looked to my alarm to read 4:47am. I mentally groan, but get up anyways. Trying to not wake Selena as I left them room with some clothes, I went into the hall bathroom and put on my clothes. I wore an army green skin tight shirt showing my curves off. I pulled on some jeans that were kind loose on my legs. I tied a long sleeve plaid shirt around my waist, finishing my look off with my hair half up and half down.
         I came down stairs to see Evelyn had left her spot on the recliner. She was probably in her room getting dressed after waking up Lucy for me. Janette though still laid asleep on the couch with a blanket over her. I rolled my eyes, smiling at how peaceful she looked.
         I went into the kitchen, grabbing some glasses filled them with water. Then placed two aspirins next to each glass. Dallas was first one to come out, but in a towel. I shake my head as I sat on a stool. "Woke up in your own puke again, huh?" I ask, smirking.
"Shut it." He said and went upstairs to get dressed. I silently giggled as I made my way to Janette. I poured some water on her face and she woke up.
         I learned long ago you don't poke or shake her, she throws fists. Janette woke up immediately and looked at me. "5:21 now." I tell her, and she gets up quickly takes the aspirin, then bolted up the stairs making me laugh at her. Seb and Joy came down took the aspirin, then laid on the couch. Next came Evelyn, doing the same as them, but going to the recliner instead of the couch. Lucy and Selena came down doing the same as the others than getting some food.
         Rodger came down and took his, then sat on the Love seat. His one-night-stand came not long after him, and I immediately kicked her out. "Why did you have to choose her?" I groaned.
"Because she does the job well." He said and almost threw up. "I already threw up, let's not let it happen again." Says Lucy, raising her hand. Rodger scoffed as I smirked again. Dallas came down with Janette in his arms. "She can walk you know." Evelyn said.
"But she's my baby" said Dallas in defense.
         "Well I hope your baby is helping you clean up your puke." I say and everyone said "EWW!" or "DALLAS!" Janette got out of Dallas' arms quickly.
  "Thanks Iris." Dallas said sarcastically. "Anytime." I say back, taking a drink of my coffee. "Well, we better go" says Janette looking at her wrist watch we all groaned.
         You see we all hate school, because we are outcasts. Though no one messes with us, because of all our bad tempers. But still we aren't treated right, so we stick together backing each other up. Now Rodger, Seb, Kade, Dallas, Janette, and me have the worst tempers. The others aren't that bad, and Selena is easily riled up so, yeah.
         We all walked out the door Selena and Lucy are with me in my truck. Rodger and Evelyn are riding together in Rodger's SUV. Seb and Joy in Seb's old Camaro. And finally Dallas and Janette together on Dallas's motorcycle. We started out engines and headed to school.


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