Let's Go Upstate

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"Hey, Y/N, how are you feeling?" Vanessa asked. It had been a week since the incident and Vanessa was being sweet to me. It was kind of weird but so much better than living in fear. Every morning when she came in to check if I wanted to have breakfast with the family, she would ask me how I'm feeling.

"I feel fine." I laughed. "Vanessa, you ask me that a lot you know."

"I just want to make sure you're okay. Sebastian and Lin will be out soon, do you want to join us for pancakes?"

"Only if I get to help make them." I said.

"Okay." Vanessa said with a smile that reached her eyes. I walked out with Vanessa and we made pancakes. She shared stories of her first pregnancy while we cooked. We were laughing particularly hard when Lin came in with Sebastian in tow.

Good morning!" Vanessa and I said at the same time.

"Good morning!" Sebastian hugged his mom then me. Lin didn't say anything he just smiled. His eyes were shining with tears.

"Let's eat!" Vanessa said enthusiastically after a moment of silence.

"I'll grab the juice." I said.

"I want to sit by Y/N." I heard Sebastian say. I returned to an open seat next to him. The pancakes tasted so good. I hadn't been allowed true solid food until yesterday, so I was savoring the taste of the pancakes and the feeling of chewing. We ate in silence except for the sound of Sebastian humming to himself. Vanessa nudged Lin. I pretended not to notice.

"So, Y/N, what are you doing in three days?" Lin asked.

"Uhm, probably nothing... Why?" I answered without looking up.

"Well, how would you feel about a trip?"

"A family trip?"

"Uh no... Just you and me." Lin said. I looked up at him and then Vanessa. I shook my head.

"No." I put down my fork. Lin looked at Vanessa.

"Sebastian, can you help Daddy take some things to the kitchen?" Vanessa asked Sebastian. Sebastian nodded and helped his dad take some things to the kitchen.


"Y/N, before you say anything, I want you to know that this was my idea. I think some time away with Lin is good for you. You get the privacy to move about as much or little as you want. You can talk freely without me or Sebastian hearing. But most importantly you get to be alone with Lin to... you know." Vanessa winked at me.


"Please. I just want you to relax." Vanessa begged, "At least think about it."

"...I'll... I'll think about it..." I said softly. Vanessa excused herself. I sat at the dining table, my thoughts churning. Someone cleared their throat. I looked up and saw Lin standing with a small smile. I looked down at my unfinished pancakes and tried to pick up the fork but dropped it clumsily. I picked it back up and started cutting the pancakes into pieces vigorously.

"Y/N..." Lin said.

"Hmm?" I said taking a mouthful of pancakes. He chuckled slightly. He took the fork from me as he sat next to me. I opened my mouth to protest but Lin put some pancakes in my mouth. I felt myself relax as I chewed slowly while stifling a chuckle. I leaned forward to let him feed me some more. The quiet exchange was a different type of intimate. When the plate was clear, Lin cleared the table then took my hand.

"V, I'm going to the roof with Y/N!" Lin called before leading me up to the roof. He looked over the city and water. "Didn't you say we need to have some important talks?"

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