Mi Casa Es Tu Casa, Mi Esposo No

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*roughly translates to My House is Your House, My Husband is Not*

Explaining to Candace and Kendall that I was going to stay with the Miranda's for a month was not easy. Kendall, always the professional, was going along with it despite how he felt about me staying there but Candace was resisting.

"I just don't get why." Candace said again.

"Vanessa just wants to keep an eye on me and Lin wants to be included." I repeated for what felt like the fiftieth time.

"I guess that makes sense but how are we going to keep your low key-ness out of the press? People will wonder where you are." Candace asked.

"I asked the same thing and Lin said that he figured it out with Anthony's help." I answered.

"Lin worked with Anthony? Does that mean the green eyes are gone?" Candace asked.

"I hope. Anyways, they said they hashed it out with Kendall." I turned to Kendall who smiled.

"So, we got you...a double!" Kendall beamed. Candace and I looked at each other then at Kendall.

"What?" We said together.

"A double. Someone who looks like you but isn't you. If you're posting regularly, people won't question your disappearance."

"I can't really disappear if I'm posting regularly."

"You're going to go out of country for a vacation and attend a few events. No carpets or interviews of course. We'll take pics of the double being out for the next six months. This gives you time until you have the baby. Then you'll 'return' and we can figure out the next phase of the plan." Kendall explained. I could tell that the guys really sat down and planned this.

"I'm going to assume you have a double already picked huh?"

"Well, sorta..." He said sheepishly.

"How did you guys find a double?" Candace asked.

"Easy. We just looked through social media. Made a couple phone calls. Met a few to really feel them out." Kendall answered. Candace looked at me, but I just shrugged.

"Okay, seems you guys really thought this through. Let's do it." I said.

Candace packed my things and Kendall had everything moved. I watched all my things being moved around.

"You know I'm only going for a month, right?" I said as more things were carried out.

"I only sent your essentials." Candace said without looking up from her iPad.

We arrived at the Miranda household later that evening. Most of my things had already arrived ahead of time with Kendall. He was already in my room fixing things.

"We have to go get our Airbnb straightened out, but we'll be right back." Kendall said. "I think I got everything except a few of your suitcases."

"You guys don't have to stay. Consider it a paid vacation." I said. Candace looked at me like I was insane.

"Anyways," she said choosing to not comment, "We're going to get our living situation figured out then we'll be back." I nodded and watched them leave. I entered the room for the first time and looked around. It was spacious like my own and even had a connecting bathroom. The window had seating and opened out to a fire escape. The bed was wide with a chaise at the foot of it. A flat screen tv sat a couple feet away.

"TV in bed? Now that's something I don't have at my own place." I said excitedly as I plopped on the bed.

"Glad you like it." Vanessa appeared in the doorway. I jumped a little. Kendall had been given a key since we were told no one would be home when my things arrived. Clearly we had different definitions for what no one is home means.

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