Chapter 2: Royal Instinct

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Several years have passed since I started my life of incessant reading. I am now ten years old.

My life so far has been nothing but reading books and studying lessons of royal conduct befitting for a princess of the empire. I still have yet to find the answer to these feelings of déjà vu.

However, an unforgettable moment happened on my tenth birthday.

Prince Jeon, the crown prince just arrived from his one month trip to the Diamond Kingdom. And as part of royal customs, as the princess of the kingdom, I am to welcome my older brother's entourage. As much as I wanted to live my life in isolation, this is the responsibility I have as royal princess.

"Esteemed brother, welcome back. The kingdom has been waiting for your safe return." I greet my brother as I curtsy in respect. Looking at my brother, we look nothing alike. As much as I look like my mother, he resembles father too much. Like the king, he has golden yellow hair and a pair of emerald green eyes.

"It's been a while hasn't it, Avril?" My brother replies while returning my curtsy by kissing both my cheeks.

"It seems that you are well, brother." I answer while trying to put on a poker face. It's not like I dislike my brother, the ordeal of affection with him just seem awkward. I just can't describe the relationship I have with my brother. Given the eight year age gap and the with the majority of his time away from the palace, there was just little time to form a sibling bond.

"Ah yes, I have good news." He announced loud and proud.

Hearing his declaration, I was astonished. The Spade Empire and the Diamond Kingdom has always been on rocky terms since the Great War that divided the Peninsula. And although there had been efforts from both sides to iron out these conflicts, no agreement has been made between the two countries. Thus far, to hear good news from an engagement with the two countries is rather surprising.

"Negotiations with the Diamond Kingdom went well?" I asked him with eager ears.

"The kingdom has agreed to form a peace treaty with us."

"Under what conditions, brother?" Given how negotiations were only possible until now, it must have come at a high price.

"You will know soon. For now, I wish you a happy birthday, Avril. Here is my gift to you." With that, he gave a elegantly rose gold wrapped box.

Puzzled, I unwrapped the box and gasped in surprise upon seeing what was inside. It was a book of the Diamond kingdom's native language.

"Oh dear, how did you get hold of such priceless book?" I asked a little giddy. Flipping the pages of the book, I realized that it is brand new.

"It's a replica. Given that we will be in peaceful terms with the Diamond Kingdom, His Majesty gave me a copy of their language as a sign of goodwill. Since I already knew of their language from frequently visiting the country, I ought to give it to you. You seem to have fancy books even since you were just a child." My brother said as explanation.

"I am truly grateful for such treasure, brother. It's true that I have loved books even since, However I am still but a child."

"Avril, you are already a lady. You will have your coming of age ceremony soon."

Confused once again, I tilt my head. "What makes you say that, brother?" Surely enough, his remark was troubling. For nobles and royalty, it is a privilege to have your own coming of age ceremony. It is a right of passage for nobility to be officially introduced to the social circle. Social debuts typically happened at the age of fifteen. Although, there were times that it could be advanced or delayed, such instances are rare.

"Do not think too much of the little things, Avril. You will know soon enough." Patting my arm as we walked towards the throne room, my brother smiled knowingly.

That smile alone is already daunting though.

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