006|the truth

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Tae p.o.v

I woke up again, with a scary nightmare ever! The man come to take dept from me again and this time they kill both my parent so cruel.. sweat all over my body and tears start to fall..

"Yah slave! Hurry up! We are late!" I hear jungkook shout

"O-okay!" I said with husky voice..

Adter i done, i eat my breakfast and go to jungkook, he said we are going to school walk together.

When we reach in the middls of journey, a car honk fo hs and it stop, shit! PLEASE NOT NOW!  My face sweating again and worry

"Hello mr.kim"

Jungkook p.o.v

"Hello mr.kim" 

Who was this man? They look danger, is it taehyung in mafia gang? Thats why he look bad and ugly?! Really?

"Please dont do anything fo my boss, i will pay for i-"

Before taehyung finish his wird he git punch and kick from that guy, i think im wrong.. he cough blood but he stood up again.

"Yah are you okay?" I ask and he nod

"Is this ur boss? Look so young hmm? I bet he's rich. So tell ur boss to pay ur salary quick!" He said and he start beat taehyung again.

Then he leave, i pick up tae and sit him to the bench near us, his nose bleeding and his lips too, his eyes bruise.. it look bad..

"Tell me whats going on?" I ask in serious tone.

"Urmm okay,s-since u are m-my boss,i will tell u, it start from my parents borrowed money from mafis leader, then they cant pay it.. the leader kill them and make me to pay their dept, thats why i make two job , from monday-friday i be ur assistant and in weekend i be a worker at restaurant near ur house, and u want to know why i always got bruise earlt morning? It because of this.. i have to go trough this pain alone, now u know the truth, please after this dont treat me as we wear strenger?"

I fell sad hearing his story,dind't know he went trough all of this! Im really sorry tae, but it not make me going soft to you..

"Hmmm k, u still my slave"

To be continue..❤


Sorry for not update for 192393983 years..haha 😂.. it just this weak my school have marathon and today the compatition,im lose the run marathin today, i only late for 3 minutes before i got the number😭😭

After i reach i fell like i want to faint and i quick go to the olace near my bf and laid at there, i cry from dizzy and then my friend come to me and give me some water💔💔💔

It not my lucky day.. im just fell sick, want to look my picture today? With my friend or only myself?💔💔

 im just fell sick, want to look my picture today? With my friend or only myself?💔💔

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