'But we can—

'—shhh...' Leo held me back by holding my arm. As the fierce heartbeat in my ears slowed down, I listened the sound of leaves being crushed under a couple of feet. 'Here.' Leo directed me to our right.

We, as slowly and quickly at the same moment, alerted and feebly moved forth. The clicking of metal against metal, the huffs , the placing of one foot in front of other, it all began clearer—nearer.

The view came into the radius of our eyes that now, we had to follow them by hiding behind trees and keeping a good distance. They reached the point where the the cliff and the wild river met with each other.

Hades was not alone. Dr. Madison, Dr. Drake, one big fat robot and  three sectators, one of them which I assume was Jake— were surrounding him.

A briefcase was in Dr. Drake's left  hand which I assumed locked in the weapon—the glass and metallic gun and the missile made from infinite stone. We needed to get that briefcase.

They all were discussing something of which, Dr.Madison was not the part of. She was rather looking around , her eyes begging for help. When I surmised that no one was looking but Dr. Madison, I waved my hand ever so lightly just to tell her that we were here.

Her face relieved with peace. She nodded and lumbered across Dr. Drake. Leo and I changed our hidden spot to some nearer one. Leo took  out his dagger and I took mine out from under my boots.

We carefully took another pair of steps forward.

I held the dagger in my hand more tightly.

Dr. Madison moved more closer to Dr. Drake's left hand.

Leo casted me a knowing look meaning nothing but, 'now or never'.

I moved more forward.

Set my target.

More leaves crushed down my feet.

More nearer we got to our destination.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and breathed out.

Dr. Madison stretched her hand to Dr.Drake's left one and just as she was about to snatch the briefcase from Dr. Drake's, Jake turned around with the leaves crushed beneath our feet. I threw the dagger at Jake who ducked but still the dagger stab itself into throat of the sectator standing behind Jake. Simultaneously Leo threw the dagger taking down another sectator and Dr. Madison snatched away the briefcase.

I ran towards Jake but Leo held me back. 'Go get Hades. I'll take care of it.' I nodded and changed my direction. Dr. Madison threw me the briefcase which I caught easily. The robot charged at me along with Dr. Drake. I changed my direction again and crouched to safe myself from the number of knives thrown by the robot and the curses by Dr. Drake.

I turned around, threw the briefcase slipping on the ground towards the robots feet to unbalance him. Dr. Drake, taking it as a victory , smiled to get to the briefcase but on my way to the robot, I took off the dagger Leo threw at a sectator and threw it at dr. Drake's hand who dropped the briefcase.

I slid underneath the legs of the robot , scratching my back with the numerous pebbles and picked up the briefcase. The robot turned around but before he could do anything, I crashed the brief case onto his head and it dented but didn't open. I rolled to the other side when the robot gave me a hard blow on my stomach. He moved to charge at me.

The Girl in Black (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now