Going Deeper

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Sorry. Too much sugar.



Here it is.


"Sigh... I could never find Haya! Where is he anyway?" a certain ponytailed girl complained. "Maybe I'll go at his house."


Hayabusa put the wet towel on Kagura's forehead. She flinched a little.

"You are really burning up. Don't worry I got you." Haya said to her. Kagura's closed eyes opened a little.

"T-thanks. I can take care of myself now." Kagura replied, blushing. Haya's face only twitched with worry.

"She's getting redder again." Hayabusa thought. He touched Kagura's neck, which made her blush harder. Her temperature was off the charts!

"Wait here a second. I'm gonna get something a my house." Hayabusa rushed back to his house while Kagura just went to sleep.


Hayabusa was running home to get a special kind of herb given to him by his grandmother as a gift. It is a herb that can cure any common illness.

Hayabusa turned into a corner into a street to his house, but squinted to a silhouette at the gate of his home. 

As he was getting closer, he realized that it was his friend Hanabi.

"Oi! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was just visiting." Hanabi murmured. "What are you-" she continued but was cut off by Haya.

"Sorry, but I got to hurry." He rushed, going inside his house. Hanabi followed.

"What's the matter?"

"Kagura is sick right now and She doesn't have anyone to take care of her." Haya replied. He went to the kitchen to get the herbs.

"What about her? I thought you two got into a fight." Hanabi said.

"Just leave me alone for now! I am busy. Just go bother me another time." Hayabusa shouted at her.

Hanabi stopped. Her eyes turned watery. She curled her fists and let out a shaky whimper. Haya, realizing his mistake, walked closer to her.

"L-look. I'm sorry that I got angry at you. I was just-"

"Just what?! Look at her and have no time for me?!" Hanabi shouted back, voice wavering. "You never have time for me! I always go to you because I'm lonely! I have no one to talk to!"

"I-I..." Haya stuttered. He had no idea Hanabi felt that way.

"Fine! I'll stay away! Don't go looking for me! That's what your best at doing anyway!" Hanabi yelled at Hayabusa. She ran outside Haya's house, tears falling from her eyes.

Haya just stared into space. "What have I done?"


Kagura tossed and turned on her bed. Her headache is killing her. Even she couldn't think straight. Her fever must be getting worst. The towel fell from her forehead, worsening her malady. That's until a sad Hayabusa came in her room, a strange looking bottle was in his hand.

Kagura got up and looked at the bottle. "W-what is that?"

"This is a unique king of herb that my grandmother gave me." Haya told her while getting a cup and filling it with water. He got one bundle out of the container and put it into the cup.

Hidden Barriers | Mobile Legends Fanfiction | Haya x Hana x Kag w/ HanzoWhere stories live. Discover now