Shock at seeing her there was the first feeling that coursed through him. It had been so long that he thought he was never going to see her again. Christ. She'd changed but for the better. She looked stunning, so beautiful like his Emilia but it wasn't really her. The woman looking back at him had matured. Just from looking at her, he knew the Emilia he'd married was long gone. And then relief flooded through him. She was okay. A part of him had feared that one day he'd get a call telling him to go for his wife's body so seeing her there, well and healthy made him breathe a sigh of relief. Then anger kicked in. How dare she show up there after what she'd done? How dare she?

"Hello, Max" when had she walked towards him? He hadn't seen her moving but Fuck! Up close she was more beautiful than he remembered. He wanted to grab and kiss her but he also wanted to strangle her. How could two completely different feelings be so incredibly strong all at once?

"Who the Fuck invited you?" Lisandra's voice boomed from beside him, making him snap out of his haze. He also wanted to know who invited her.

"I don't need an invitation to my own house Lisa" she sounded so sarcastic. So different. Anger won and he pushed Lisandra behind him grabbing her neck and squeezing. He realized how smooth her skin was. The more he wanted to put his mouth there, the harder he squeezed. Then suddenly someone was pushing him back, making him drop his hand from her neck. Emilia coughed but it was like her eyes were laughing at him. What was wrong with her? Why had she come back?  Oh, how he wanted to snap that little neck of hers.

"What the hell Max? Are you trying to kill her?" Darren asked from beside him. So he was the one who had pulled him off her then. Figures, since he always defended her even after what she had done.

"You shouldn't have stopped me, Darren."

"Control yourself. Everyone is looking" Darren hissed in his ear. Looking up he found shocked eyes staring back at him. He'd forgotten they weren't alone. Damn this woman for making him embarrass himself like that.

"Now that we've gotten past that, let's move on shall we?" she asked then turning to the guests said "Sorry for that little show. My husband tends to get carried away sometimes. I think that is his way of saying he's happy to see me" Snarling, Max broke out from Darren's grip and grabbed her shoulders.

"Carried away? You Fucking bitch after what you did to my......"

"Mom?" a voice said from behind her stopping him. Dropping his hands he stepped back. He didn't remember anyone showing up with a child. Either way, he wasn't going to do what he wanted to do in front of a child. He was so angry but he had limits. Emilia turned, smiling at the little boy.

"What happened to staying in the car until I came back?"

"You took too long. Can we leave now? I don't want to be here" the boy said looking at him. It was strange how he conversed with Emilia like he was...... Mom. He'd called her mom. He was her son? Emilia had a son? Max took a step back unconsciously. Did she also have a husband? Is that why she came back? To get a divorce so she could start a new life with her new family?

"Honey this is now our new home," She said making him snap his head up to her. What did she mean this was their new home? This woman had definitely gone crazy and he was going to stop this madness right that second. Squaring his shoulders, he moved closer to her.


"Oh. Pardon me. Max meet Zander. Zan honey meet your father" She said then moved to point over at his sister "That's your aunt Gwen, your uncle Darren and Lisa. I don't know who these people are but I'm sure we have time to get to know them"

His father? That boy was his son? It couldn't be. No, it couldn't. Emilia had aborted their child before she left. The hospital had told him so. He had the documents. He had the ultrasound picture she'd left behind like it was nothing. How could this boy be his son? It wasn't true. But even as he denied it, he saw the similarities. In fact, he was a carbon copy of himself when he was nine or ten. And if that wasn't enough proof, what Darren said confirmed it. "Christ. I feel like I'm looking at my older brother when I was a kid. It's so weird"

"Get used to it Darren," Emilia said winding her arm around the little shoulders and pulling him closer to her. Max was still in shock. He kept looking from Emilia to Zander then back. How?

"Listen here, you bitch. No one is going to believe that the little brat is Max's son so take your stupid allegations and get out!" Lisandra said approaching them. When Emilia didn't move, Lisandra bent down, grabbing the boy's arm ready to throw them out but a hand stopped her.

"Zan honey, look away for mommy, would you? It'll be just for a second baby" Emilia told him and he turned a second before she slapped Lisandra who stumbled back from the force of it. "You put one finger on my son, and I swear, I will kill you with my own bare hands. Is that clear Lisa?"

Max looked at the two women still in shock. Everything was happening too fast for him. First, his wife was back after disappearing for almost ten years and she had a son. They had a son. A son who didn't like it there and wanted to go back to where they'd come from. A son who was looking warily at him like he was scared. What the hell was this? How had he not known he had a son? Dear God, was this a joke?


I feel that we should immediately dislike Lisandra. Who's with me?

This book is in need of heavy editing but if you don't mind typos and cringey scenes, please proceed. 

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