Chapter 22 - First piece

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"No, he still hasn't," Eva cries out in desperation. "James went to visit him the other day, trying to talk some sense into that head of his..."

"I tried getting to him, but he seems to feel no remorse for selling his own brother to a sick pervert." James spits out in anger, surprising me further. Sydney is Finnley's brother? But then why haven't I met him before? Finnley already mentioned 'his ass was sold to John', but so far, I had no clue what it meant. Apparently, it means his unknown brother sold him to a sick pervert, and I can only imagine what that means.

Was Finnley abused because his supposed brother Sydney sold him? Is this one of the things I forgot about completely?

"We gave up on trying to get him to understand what he did. He's mentally ill, I know..." Eva sighs deeply. "But I can't look at him without remembering how he stayed in our house until December, pretending to be worried while Finn was missing for days already, while he knewwhat had happened."

"He knew Finn was in danger, he even denied knowing anything in January when the cops told us they found out Finn was sold again, but he knew. He knew all along that the guy who took Finn in January would take his organs to sell. And all he cared about was the money they got for it." James sounds disgusted, spitting in anger, ranting about things that shock me to the core.

Finnley's organs have been sold?

I feel sick to my stomach, listening to them, ranting about what happened to Finn, my best friend, the guy I think I love. The guy that joked around with me just yesterday, while this all happened to him?

"All we can do now, is be here for Finn. Whenever he needs us," mom answers, trying to cheer them up a bit. "I'm going to help him in court, remember?"

"But he still refuses to see or talk to us, Maria. And he isn't going to change his mind ever, I think."

"Give Finn some time. Once he'll be home, he'll see you guys are trying everything to redeem yourselves. It just needs time."

"Rome wasn't built in a day either." Dad jokingly joins in, and I roll my eyes. Finnley is way more complicated than Rome and how it was build, so it obviously will need more time for him to change his mind about talking to them. I just wonder why he isn't talking to them right now.

"That's not a good comparison, Kody." Mom sighs tiredly.

"Kody is right though." James' voice sounds depressed even. "We allowed him to alienate from us for months. We haven't been there for him when he needed us most, and he's obviously going to need time to regain some trust in us. If he ever does."

"I just wish he would accept my kidney, instead of stubbornly waiting for a donor to come along." Eva sounds as if she's on the verge of crying, and I can't help but frown, sitting down on the lower step of the stairs tiredly.

Accept her kidney? What?

"We all know Oliver is going to donate his kidney as soon as he's recovered enough. He's got great matching tissue and Finn will be more comfortable accepting his." Mom sounds calm as ever, talking about Finnley needing a kidney, refusing his own mother's, waiting for Oliver-whoever-he-may-be to donate his.

This Oliver guy just keeps popping up in conversations, and I wish I had a way to find out who he is and meet up with him. He probably knows more about what happened on the night of the car accident.

But it's not my main concern right now. Finnley needs a kidney? What the hell happened?

I can't fight the sick feeling that took a hold on me, and I feel my stomach twist at the mere thought of Finnley getting robbed from his kidney, or kidneys? Isn't he able to live with one? Is he dying if he won't get a kidney soon?

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