For Lack of a Better Term

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“It...Can’t...Be…” Metatron fought the urge to bow before the hunter. Or, rather, what was possessing the hunter.

“You, Metatron, you helped me, my son.”

“How? What did I do?” Metatron stopped fighting and bowed to the hunter.

“This block you put up,” ‘Dean’ tapped his head with two fingers, “It allowed me to hear past the angels in Dean’s head and reach him. I never left, my son, but you didn’t care. You just wanted your story.”

Metatron gasped and threw his head on the ground. ‘Dean’ shook his head and snapped his fingers. Metatron screamed as he disappeared in a puff of grey smoke. ‘Dean’ waved his hand, motioning for Sam and Gabriel to stand up. When they did, he pulled Gabriel from Sam’s side. They shared a few words before returning to Sam. Gabriel pulled Sam away and kissed him fiercely. When he pulled away, there were tears in his eyes. They began whispering as ‘Dean’ turned his attention to Cas. He pulled Cas up by his wrists.

“Castiel, I have a few… for lack of a better term… Questions for you.”

Castiel nodded his head.

“Do you love Dean?”

“More than anything,” Castiel whispered, terrified. ‘Dean’ grabbed Cas’ face, forcing him to look into his eyes.

“Would you swear to that?”


“I know how badly you want your grace back, Castiel. I know you want to be an angel again. I know all of these things.”

Castiel nodded, whimpering slightly.

“I am giving you a choice. As you know, no angel can be with a human. Not anymore,” ‘Dean’ paused, “And you know that I am the only being able to give you your grace back.”

Castiel nodded, patiently waiting for the choice he was to make.

“Do you want to stay in Heaven and rule by my side,” ‘Dean’ asked, his eyes flickering between black and blue, “with the promise, of course, that nothing will happen to your family,” ‘Dean’ motioned to the hunter and angel to the left of him before resting his palms on his chest, “or, do you want to stay with them, without the promise of safety, as a human and be judged as a human to be sentence to Heaven or Hell based on the life you lead from this point forward?”

Castiel didn’t need this choice. He knew which he wanted, but he also knew that he had to protect his family. he needed them to be okay. But, he could never live without them. Not now.

“You must choose, Castiel. You may discuss it with your family before you make the decision.”

Dean fell to the floor coughing as he regained control of his body. When Cas realized it was him, he pulled him up into a tight hug.

“Sammy, Gabriel, get over here. I think there’s a decision to be made,” Dean winked at Cas. Cas just stood there, contemplating his options. Sam and Gabe joined them, holding hands and both appearing as happy as ever.

“Gabe, what did you choose?” Dean asked.

“Sam,” Gabe answered, snuggling into his hunter’s side.

“Cas was offered the same deal. To rule Heaven while we live, safe, on Earth or to live with us on Earth. Which do you want, Cas?” Dean’s voice lowered and his eyes softened.

“I… I want to stay with you, but I need to be sure you’re safe. I need you to not die on me again.”

“I need the same thing, Baby.”

Sam and Gabe each pulled his own brother away to speak.

“Cas,” Gabe began, “Between you and me, we can keep them safe. But, if you choose Heaven over Dean again, he will never forgive you.”

Cas nodded and began to speak, but overheard Sam talking to Dean. He pressed a finger to his lips and motioned to Gabe that he was listening.

“Dean, I know you want him here. I know you want a life with him. But, this is Cas' dream. He needs to go back to Heaven to make things right again,” Sam explained.

“I know, but… If he leaves, I will never be able to see or hear him again. Not once. not even in prayer can I talk to him.”

“Oh, Dean, I know. I’m so sorry, but you have to think about what’s best for Cas.”

“I am. Why do you think I allowed myself to be possessed in the first place. Hell, I know it was God, but still.”

Dean’s eyes began to flicker once more and God returned.

“Have you made your decision, Castiel?”

“I have, sir. I choose to stay on Earth with my family,” Cass sighed, “Even if that means giving up my dreams. Family is more important.”

“Congratulations, Castiel,” God stated, “You have passed the test. Now, you may still have your grace back. It is a little stronger than your old grace. After all, it is made for an archangel.”

Cas’ mouth fell open as ‘Dean’s head flew back and God’s grace flew out. A piece flew off and went into Cas. Cas coughed as his body swallowed the grace. Dean fell on the ground and Cas smiled when he saw that he was still breathing.

“Come on, you guys,” Cas crouched over Dean and motioned for Sam and Gabe to come to him, “Let’s go home.”

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