Chapter Sixteen: Swimming With Friends Is Always Fun

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Valery’s POV

We’re in New York City.  We just finished the second of our Christmas shows.  It’s about 22º outside and everything is covered in snow.  So what do we decide to do?  We go swimming!  Don’t worry, the hotel has an indoor pool.  We’re not that insane.  Well, not normally at least.  We do have our moments of unequivocal insanity.  But then again, who doesn’t?  Me and Sally have started spending every possible moment together.  So at the moment, we’re jumping around in the hotel room, blasting and singing along to ‘Revenge Porn’, and failing at getting changed.  We finally mange it, but we keep jumping around and singing instead of going down to the pool. There’s suddenly a loud bang on the door.

“You fucking kids better turn that shit off!”  Someone screams at us.  I sounds like an old woman.  I go to the door and open it.

“Fuck off!  I’ll listen to whatever the fuck I want to listen to!”  I shout right in ‘her’ face.  It turns out ‘her’ is Jayy. He and Texas both start laughing.

“Would you really say that to a little old woman?”  Texas asks.

“Why the hell not?  You’re only young once.  I’m not gonna let anyone ruin my fun just because they have no taste in music.”  I say, casually leaning against the doorframe.  Dahvie and Escence come out of the room across the hall.

“I heard the whole thing.  I was about to start cheering you on, but then I realized it was just Jayy.” Escence says.  I only met her this morning, but she already seems to have figured out I’m not exactly a fan of her and Dahvie being together.  So she’s been trying extra hard to get on my good side. And so far, it’s been working.  I’m really starting to like her.

“You still should’ve started cheering me on. These two are always being dicks to me.”  I say.  She gives me a sympathetic look and nods.  I smile and go into the room.  I turn my I-pod off and take it out of the dock.  “And you could’ve given me some support to.”  I say, looking pointedly at Sally.

“You had the situation under control.  If it had been some guy twice the size of you I would’ve definitely had your back.  Plus, I’m pretty much immune to Jayy changing his voice to trick people.  I always know it’s him.”  I nod, I really couldn’t argue with that.

“You two ready?”  Dahvie asks.

“Yup.”  We say at the same time.  We link arms and walk into the hallway.  I look at Escence again.

“Hey!  Nice tattoos!”  I say.  I hadn’t noticed them at first and they were covered by her shirt earlier.  On her side she has a Fallen Angel tattoo with the BVB logo underneath it, and on her shoulder she has a BOTDF tattoo.

“Thanks.”  She says.  I turn to Jayy.

“Can I get a tattoo?”  I ask him.

“I was wondering when you’d ask that.”  He says with a smile.

“Is that a yes?”  I ask hopefully.

“Of course!”  He practically shouts.

“Yay!  I’ve already got tons of ideas.”  I say.  I turn to Sally then.  “Remind me to start drawing them later?”

“Sure.  I’ll even help if you want.”

“Awesome.  Now let’s go swimming!”  I link my other arm with Escence’s and start pulling her and Sally down the hall.

“So who’s your favorite BVB member?”  Sally asks Escence.

“Definitely CC.”  She says.

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