Chapter 5

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Ponyboy's POV

I finally reached the lot with tears streaming down my face. I tripped over my feet and fell into the middle of it. I scraped my hands as I braced myself from the fall.

I felt my body rack with more sobs afterwards.

I then saw a dark figure at the end of the deserted lot, I sat up quickly.

"Hello?" I hear them call out. I snap my head towards them, scared for whether they would hurt me or not.

"W-who are you?" I stutter out. I whimper quietly. "Come out so I can see you."

The figure comes out and stands in the light of the moon. I can feel my face heating up a little bit. He sure was a looker, he must get all the pretty Soc girls. I wouldn't be surprised.

Those gorgeous brown eyes that are so dark they're almost black. That black hair that falls perfectly over his forehead, shielding his eyes. That cute button nose...

I can feel myself start to fall for him.

But it's only his looks that have got me entrapped, he could be a real shitty person for all I know.

"My names Johnny, Johnny Cade...who are you?" He sets down a bag and raises his hands, showing he doesn't have any weapons.

"M-my names Ponyboy Curtis..." I stutter.

"That's a lovely and original name." He says.

I smile weakly. "My dad was an original man. I got a brother named Sodapop, even says so on his birth certificate." I say proudly.

*********Time Skip*********

Johnny turned out to be real nice and understanding. He even shared the food he had with me. I really appreciated it, considering Soda never showed up.

Who knows if he'll actually will come.

"So, if it's not too personal, could you tell me why your brothers don't love you?" Johnny asks me, I look at him with a scared facial expression. "It's fine, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He says hurriedly.

I sigh. "Johnny, we just met. If I tell you now there is a 99.9% chance you'll hate me and leave." I say and give him an apologetic look.

"I-i understand. S-sorry for being a pest..." Johnny goes quiet after that.

I can't help but feel bad.

"You're not being a pest, Johnnycake. I just don't want you to hate me. Again, I know we just met, but I like having you as a friend." I felt a blush creep up my cheeks as I said that. Hopefully Johnny can't see it.

"I understand, you can tell me on your own time. I won't push you." He says softly. Johnny smiles at me and I feel my heart flutter.

Damn... I just met him, why am I getting like this. I can't like him... I just can't...

I shake my head to get those thoughts out of my head. It's wrong, especially since I don't really even know him.

"Johnny?" He turns to look at me.

"Yeah, Pony?"

"Tell me about yourself?" I ask and scoot a little closer to him. I pull my knees to my chest and set my chin on them, my favorite position to sit and listen to a story or something.

Johnny hesitates and sighs. "Well, I like drawing, though I'm not very good at it," He laughs a little. It was like heaven to my ears. "I'm Italian, uh, I'm sorry, I'm not the most interesting. And I guess that's it..." He trails off.

I smile gently at him. "I think you're pretty cool. Those things are all really cool. Can you speak Italian?"

He nods and grins. "Fluently, yeah, I grew up speaking in Italian to my parents."

I raise my head up. "D-do you think you could teach me?" I ask eagerly.

Johnny laughs again and nods his head saying, "Sure I could."

I grin widely. "Really?"

"Uh-huh, whenever you want." He says and grins back.

"Maybe tomorrow when I can actually see you?" I ask nervously. Would he come back tomorrow?

"Sure, here again?" I nod quickly. "Ok."

Johnny looks back to the fire and doesn't say anything else.

I looked at him, like really looked at him. He had a scar under his left eye, tan skin, kind of like caramel. His eyes were a chocolatey brown. The kind of chocolate that would make your mouth water just by looking at it.

"Wow...," I say quietly. Johnny doesn't hear and just keeps looking at the fire.

The flames reflection in his eyes just make them that much more alluring. He's beautiful.


Word Count: 774

Hey! Sorry for such a long wait on this update. As I've said before, I'm extremely busy so I hope you understand.

Thanks for reading!

Much love!♡

Safe And Sound ♡JohnnyBoy♡ // REWRITING \\Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora