Chapter 2

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Johnny's POV

I left the lot to go home and sneak some money away from my parents. As I approached my house, you could hear the yelling between my parents from all the way down the street.

I sigh and walk around to the back. I opened up my unlocked window and climbed up into my room.

Carefully, I opened my door to go into the hallway.


I tiptoed to my parents room and grabbed the jar of money that had over thousands of dollars in it. I grabbed a few hundred and left.

I was by no means rich, my parents used this money to drink their life away.

I quietly walked back to my room and slipped back out the window.

"Phew..." I say to myself as I wipe a bead of sweat from my forehead.

Huh, I didn't even know I was sweating. It must've been from fear that my parents would catch me and then beat the living hell out of me.

It wouldn't be anything new, just a new set of harsher beatings to get used to since they found out I was gay.

I didn't tell them though, why would I?


I was being trailed by a car full of Socs.

They thought it'd be funny to follow me home from school one day and scare me.

Ever since the day they had beat me so badly I thought I would die, I was scared silly of them.

I kept my head down as I walked ahead of them. When I finally got to my house the mustang pulled up next to me.

At the same time my parents came out wielding metal pipes and a baseball bat.

It just so happened that the Socs began to yell out homophobic slurs.

"Aye, ya filthy queer! Where's your boyfriend, huh?" One of the called out.

My parents heard and I could've sworn there was smoke coming out of my father's ears because of how red his face was.

"Oh no..." I said quietly.

"Wait, you don't have a boyfriend! You wanna know why? Because no one wants to date you! You ugly, piece of gay trash!" Another one called out before the car sped off.

My parents came running towards me in a fit of anger.

My mom hit me so hard in the stomach with the baseball bat I went flying into the road. My dad came up to me and said, "No son of mine is going to be a goddamn queer." Then he hit me with the metal pole until I passed out.

And there was no one there to save me.

And there will never be anyone to save me from the beatings I get, or from my parents, or from the Socs, or from anyone.

I'll always be alone.

~End Flashback~

I ended up walking to the Dingo so I could grab something to eat, and maybe something to go, before I headed back out to the lot.

Once I got there, it was hopping. There must've been something going on so that it'd be mad busy like this.

I walked in and absolutely every single booth or table was full with people. I walked up to the hostess and she said there weren't any seats left.

"Holy shit..." I said. "Well, can I get a take out order then?"

She nodded and took out her notepad so she could write my order down.

Once I was done talking she went into the kitchen to put my order in. I sat down on the waiting booth for about half an hour, forty five minutes at the most, until the hostess came back out with my order.

"That'll be twenty five, eight four." She says. I hand her thirty dollars and get my four dollars and sixteen cents back in return. I say thank you and quickly leave.

As I walked back to the lot, the sun was just setting. And boy was it pretty.


Word Count: 666

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'll try to get the next one up later today.

Much love!♡

Safe And Sound ♡JohnnyBoy♡ // REWRITING \\Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin