Book 3-Annie Adams-College Years

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                                                                                       Chapter 2

                                                                                   The Wedding

     Annie, her Maid of Honor Beth, and Katie, Trisha, Jeanie Cartwright, (Annie's best friend from Kentucky), Daphne and Patti who were her Bride's Maids and Aunt Anne were all busy in a large room in the Waterbury International Church, helping Annie Adams to get ready for her wedding which was happening at two o'clock that afternoon, just two weeks after Len Summers had made his proposal.

     Annie's Uncle Bud was giving her away, and he, Len and his best friend George Peterson, (his Best Man), along with the Groomsmen were in another room in the church cracking jokes hoping to keep Len Summers the Bridegroom, calm enough to walk down the isle when the time came.  Pastor Michael Murphy, the man who had helped the Mystery Club Detectives in their last case was performing the ceremony.

     Kenny Morehead, Annie's other childhood friend was already in the "Family" pew along with Johnny Bole and Pat Stoner, friends of both Len and Annie.  Len had asked Kenny to be a Groomsman but Kenny had declined not giving a reason.  But Annie knew it was because Kenny was an emotional soul, and didn't want to shed tears in front of two hundred people.

     "Okay Annie, you're done!"  Beth announced while finishing the buttoning of her dress, which was all white satin and lace that clung to her slim figure.  Daphne put the tiara, complete with lacy veil upon her head and then pulled the front down over her pretty face.  Tears shone in Aunt Anne's eyes looking at her niece, that she had raised as if she was her own and said, "Annie.  You're breathtakingly beautiful." 

     "Thanks Auntie.  You look good too," she said with a smile at her.  Aunt Anne had done up her dark hair in a french twist, and wore a raspberry colored silk dress.  Annie was suddenly hit with a wave of emotion as she stared for a moment at her Auntie, who all at once reminded Annie of her aunt's sister Sara.  Annie had to very carefully wipe a tear from her eye when that thought of her mother crossed her mind.  Beth wiped a second tear away a minute later, not knowing that it was because Annie was thinking about her father.  But then a smile returned to her face, knowing that Auntie and Uncle Bud loved her just as if she were their own, and that her parents were smiling down at their daughter on her wedding day.

     "See.  I told you that waterproof make-up would work."  Jeanie told Katie with a giggle.  Annie gave out with a short laugh.  "Those pale green dresses compliment Annie's dress perfectly girls,"  Aunt Anne said, "You all look so pretty."   Annie's friends chimed a "Thank you."  The Bride's Maids dresses were made of silk, and Beth's was just a tad darker than the others, her being the Maid of Honor.

     "We have about ten minutes till "Show Time,"  Aunt Anne said, handing the Bride her bouquet of yellow roses, daisies and baby's breath.  Then she handed out one single white rose with a sprig of Baby's breath, tied with a single yellow ribbon to each girl. "I've got to get to my seat," Anne said and then answering a knock at the door.

     Uncle Bud, dressed in his light gray tux came in and gave Annie an appreciate look.  "She's ready,"  Aunt Anne announced.  "Come on girls line up," and she herded them out into the vestibule to partner up with their respective Groomsmen.  Len was already at the altar in his dark gray tux, along side Pastor Murphy, both waiting for the arrival of the Bride.

     "Annie.  You look lovely," Uncle Bud whispered as the two of them took their place behind Beth and George.  The other couples began to walk down the isle as the music began to play.  When they arrived at the altar, the music's volume increased and Uncle Bud said, "We're on Kiddo."  Annie gave him a nervous smile and grasped his arm more tightly as they started down the isle to the traditional refrain of "Here Comes the Bride."

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