// 5. Hey Jishua //

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Mustard Yellow
A colour of pure happiness, nothing else, no catch. Just, and finally, happy.

Knock, Knock

Tyler's heart pounded violently in his chest - making all his limbs shake aggressively and noticeably. Noticing footsteps edging closer, made Tylers breathing increase rapidly. Hearing the door handle turn made Tyler gulp loudly.

The same feeling as last time he was in this situation. "Hi?" Josh said standing by the door, rubbing his eyes, clearly he hadn't seen Tyler yet.

"Hey Jishua," Tylers hands were shaking and covered in sweat - he was really nervous. He expected Josh to slam the door, or shout, or something Tyler wouldn't like.

But instead, Josh stood there with his mouth wide open and Tyler had just realised what he was wearing.

"Josh, before I go, i've got something for you," he handed Josh his beloved red beanie.
"But you love this Ty," Tyler encased Josh's hands in it.

"I want you to have it, to remind you of me," Tyler smiled at Josh.

Josh hugged Tyler so hard that he felt like all the broken pieces in him had been put back together. "Please come in," he said finally pulling away from the hug and gesturing him to come in.

A/N short chapter im sowwrry dont kill me. school is already killing me. But I came out to ppl as non-binary :)))))))))

something spooky is going to happen in the next chapter...

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