blood driven

112 0 2

( during San Japan)

Will clutched his stomach in hunger... He hasn't fed for a awhile. The slightest scent of blood caused him to drool. Something had tapped Will's shoulder causing him to jump. He turned to see Chloe." Hey ,you ok...? " She asked. Will reluctantly nodded. Chloe frowned." Don't lie to me will...I know you haven't had blood in a while" "I'm fine" will assured her. " It's not my fault anyways, they never gave me that animal blood..." Chloe still looked worried. "At this point your body might reject it ,from smelling all those humans..." She stated. Will told her that he'll be fine. He would just hunt that night. " Will , you'll be in a room filled with the brim with humans, you might snap
.." she warned. " I haven't bit you yet, have I ? " Will joked. Chloe gave him a hard shove." That wasn't funny !!" She whined.  Will looked at the time. " Let's just go meet the others" Chloe nodded and they headed out of their hotel room.

Will, CG5, Chloe, Caleb and or3o walked through the main part of the convention. Chloe had taken note that will looked exceptionally pale, and his  mouth was slightly open. She could see his nostrils flare, possibly to get a better smell of the blood. She shivered a little. Surely will wouldn't attack anybody.  She thought.  Her fears only grew as there headed to the show room.

CG5 was finishing up his performance when will felt a sharp part in his stomach. He bit his lip and held his adomen trying not to draw any attention to himself. " Will what's wrong?" Chloe asked. " Hunger..." He moaned in pain. He could smell the humans blood through the curtains. It felt like it was teasing him. Great amounts of drool fell out his mouth. " Maybe you shouldn't perform.." Chloe suggested. Will shook his head. He didn't want to let his fans down.  When Charlie was done , his pain had mostly gone away. During his intro sequence a wide smile of ambition had crept itself onto his face.  He ran out on stage .. and did his performance as if nothing had happened.

When the finale ended and the lights went out, will had gone to the edge of the stage and had whispered into a fans ear." Meet me back stage... Don't Tell anyone..." He giggle slightly.

Chloe roamed backstage, her mind filled with worry. Charlie, or3o and Caleb had came back..but not will. Chloe looked around them in the darkness, but could not see him. " Have you guys seen will!?" She asked in desperation. The trio looked around in confusion, realizing that will ,infact was not with them.  Chloe in a panic scurried around the back stage area calling his name, the others did the same. They paused when a loud thump was heard towards the back. The group started to head in that direction Chloe in the lead. Chloe sped walk , and paused in horror. " Oh my God...." " What?.." someone had asked. In front of them were 2 figures ,one on top another. "W-will?" Chloe sobbed softly. The top figure turned ,its eyes were pitch black with icy blue irises. The dripping of liquid could be heard. " I'm s-so, sorry... I couldn't help it..." He sobbed. He was drinking the blood ,of the fan he lured backstage...

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