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Mrs baron marched up to the door. Eyes narrowed sinking deep into the mahogany and scrunched up her face. It had been nearly a year since she last heard from her daughter... unacceptable in her terms. Mrs baron had finally come to terms that it wasn't her job keeping her away, she could at least look at her text messages. It wasn't like her boyfriend was much help either, dismissing it every time. But today she was going to see her no matter what. After realizing that she was standing at the doorway blanks lost in her own triumphant thoughts she finally found she was ready for completing her fantasy. Anxiousness building up ,mrs baron knocks on the door......

It opened revealing her boyfriend Alex. " hello ms! What brings you here?" He smiled and asked. He then led her inside. " I'm here to see my daughter" mrs baron replied flatly, hoping her daughter Lela would come running down the stairs into her arms.... but nothing happened. Alex's expression changes to a flat one. " oh... Lela.." He looked around nervously." WHAT W- WHAT HAPPENED!" Mrs baron exclaimed alarmed by his reaction." It's just....." he paused " shes so perfect " he went on. Mrs baron looked confused until a light tapping was heard. "Hear she comes!" He said excited. A figure walked out almost perfect... the skin was so smooth and she looked so delicate. Her body was flawless to good to be true... good enough to be a doll. The face was a blank emotion with pure black sockets for eyes. Blonde hair was flowing and rested on her shoulder. The figure was wearing a pink top with some jeans... but they looked attached to the body, like painted on. The figure was delicate looking like it was made from China... that it could break from the slightest touch. 

" Lela!" Mrs baron screamed " WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!!" But don't you like it mom?? Lela asked her lips unmoving.

I'm perfect now ........

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