Chapter 03: Apologies

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"Ceralas~! You were gone for forever and a day!" Called a certain optimistic boy coming out of nowhere as he threw his arms around the judgmental person.

"Apparently that wasn't long enough. Where's Damian? As the oldest, he should have prevented this entire situation. I guess I'll be picking up his slack yet again." Ceralas remarked.

"Hold on here. Who the hell are you? And where do you think you got the authority to act all high and mighty?" (Y/n) finally interjected still having nerves riled up from the debacle earlier that finally dispersed leaving only Aeron and Caz huffing on the ground.

"(Y/n), this is Aeron and mine's older brother, right after Damian of course. This is Ceralas Inferis." Lucius introduced still clinging to the man.

"Lucius, you are associated with this unpresentable individual?" Ceralas inquired turning his attention to the girl's bloodied clothes.

"She was caught in the crossfire between Aeron and that boy. Leave her be." Monotonously commented Damian appearing behind Ceralas and Lucius.

"Tch. Now you make an appearance."

"She's a friend of Damian! That makes her my friend to! Oh! That reminds me...I'll be right back brothers." Lucius cheered about to dance away from the crime scene.

"Before you depart take care of Aeron. I don't want to see him till he looks presentable."

"You heard the man. Let's go get you cleaned up. Ups-y Daisy!" Lucius called out suddenly throwing the still wheezing boy on his back despite Aeron's larger height difference.

It's good that Alatea took Caz , these brothers seem like to the type to only care for themselves. Probably because it's their first time in a public school. Damn's almost scary how well Alatea knows me.

"Lucius. Wait. I'm going to help you take him to the infirmary since I'm the reason he's still wheezing because even though Aeron elbowed me in the face, it was still an accident. Unlike him I'll mend my mistakes." (Y/n) said as she moved towards Lucius attempting to take some of Aeron's weight onto herself.

"As justified as that response is, the wounded shouldn't help the wounded." Damian utters from the sidelines looking at the girl's swelling discolored nose.

"But I-" began (Y/n), feeling her stubbornness surface.

"My big brother's right! You can't help, but still tag along so that we can find an ice pack to help with the swelling you have going on there. You know, the middle of your face." Lucius agrees nodding his head fervently turning to leave.

"Alright, let's go then." (Y/n) shrugged dissatisfied and followed after the duo since she found it still necessary to cool the throbbing and get herself cleaned up.

With lunch being officially over, the school had begun the next class leaving the hallways empty save for Lucius' chattering.

"Then that's when the bird fell out of the sky and landed in the birdbath. He injured his wings because he did that. Now ever since then we've been taking care of him; he can be a bit of a brat at times but we love him." Lucius finishes with a contented sigh.

"That's a very interesting story about your pet bird Lucius, thanks for sharing." (Y/n) droned feeling exhausted from having her ear talked off.

"If you liked that story I also have one about our angry dog! It starts like this: He was very vicious and always snapped at people till-"

"Oh! Look! We're here." Thank goodness, I don't think I can handle another story.

"A tale for another time then, well let's get this guy cleaned up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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