Chapter 7 - Luffy's Wakening

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A/N: Another update for this week to compensate my long absence.

This is beta-ed by Royiah.


C...Cold... H...Hot.. C...Cold... Hurt... Why does it hurt? Sabo? Ace? Where are you? Why is it dark? I don't want to be alone. Sabo!? Ace?!I..I'm sc..ared...

"...ffy! Lu..ffy!" He could hear them, they are here. But why can't he see them. Ace, Sabo where are you?! I'm s..scared..It h...hurts. A..Acee.. S...Saboo. He wanted to cry to scream, reach out to them but he can't. His body refused to move.

", Luffy... is... It's" Was the last thing he heard before he blacked out.


Beep~ Beep~ Beep~

Huh? What's that? Why is it still dark? Why can't he see anything? Ace? Sabo? I can't move. Huh?

"Wake up, Baby brother. Ace and I miss your obnoxious self so much." Sabo? Is that you? He tried to move again but he can't. What's happening? "Also, this stupid older brother of ours almost killed himself because of impulsiveness just to save you. So wake up and assure us with that stupid big smile of yours. P...please L...Luffy." Ace? What did Ace do? Sabo don't cry I'm awake! It's frustrating why can't I move? Dammit! Sabo! Ace!


What's that? Hey? Are we in danger? Why does Ace sound so angry? Oi! body, move! I said move Dammit! Ace and Sabo are in danger. Move. Move. finger moved! Finally. He tried to move again, he realized that his eyes are closed so he tried to open them. A slight twitch, he tried again, it worked! Ouch! light blinded him slightly so he closed them again. A few moments later he tried opening it again slower, getting used to the light. His sight kind of hazy as he tried to scan his surroundings. What he saw was unfamiliar. Where? He tilted his head slightly to search for his brothers but instead what he saw in his hazy gaze was...

"B...bread? P...pineapple? P...pretty l...lady?" He whispered in confusion. He winced at the sound and pain of his voice and the raspy feeling it made to his throat. At the image of the two blurry foods his stomach rumbled painfully. He scrunched his face. When was the last time he ate? He tried to look at more of the room until his hazy gaze met the familiar silhouette of his two beloved brothers. Despite the scratchy feeling of his throat he called his two brothers with a shaky grin.

"S..Sabo...A..Ace...I'm hungry." He passed out of exhaustion unable to say anymore.


Ace couldn't believe his eyes. Luffy woke up. He could feel the tears burning in the corner of his eyes. His brother woke up but the happiness and relief he felt turned into panic as Luffy lost consciousness again.

"I'll call the doctor immediately," Izo said but Ace's attention was on Luffy as he tapped his baby brother's cheek lightly.

"Hey, Luffy. Can you hear me? It's me, Ace Nii-chan." Ace said as he tried to wake Luffy. Surely it's not an illusion his mind created, right? Luffy woke up right?

"Hey Ace, calm down," Sabo said softly beside him. He looks at Sabo with wide worried eyes, tinged with panic.

"Hey, Sabo it's not just my imagination right?" He asked Sabo, making sure that none of this was a cruel joke. "You saw it too, right? You heard him speak? Please tell me it's not a dream?" Ace pleaded as he grabbed Sabo's shoulder and shook him desperately.

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