°Chapter 2

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"It's time to eat your breakfast"I said he just ignored and kept on watching tv its been a week since I've worked for this asshole I've noticed every morning he wouldn't eat breakfast and I just got fed up

"I told you that I don't eat breakfast"he said but his eyes is still on the tv I took the remote and switched it off

"Look I don't like your attitude t sucks but you ganna have to eat"i said and he got up and went over to his breakfast

"I made pancakes with strawberries and Orange juice"I said with a smile

"I can't eat breakfast"he said pushing the plate aside

"And tell me the reason why you can not eat breakfast"I asked

"It's too much food i have to keep my diet balanced"he said and somehow I was very interested

"Is that suppose to be an excuse"I said

"If I eat to much I might get fat"he said

"Yes .. good fat not bad fat"I said he was about to say something but I stopped him

"Look does your maneger pick you up"I said and he just nodded I pushed the plate infront of him indicating that he must eat

"Look I didn't waste my time making you breakfast eather you eat or I don't clean this house i don't clean your room"I said then he finally ate the breakfast

I heard someone hoot and I new it was the van that picked them up I ran to the door but somehow Jackson ran faster than me I shouted his name out then he stopped

"Wait .... I'll walk you to the van"I said and he just smiled

We reached the van but before Jackson got in the van I stopped him

"Who's your manager"I asked,I could see him trying to hesitate but he pointed out the maneger I was still in my night gown I went straight to the maneger but I could see other guys they look handsome

"Hi maneger I'm Jackson's new maid"I said stretching my hand out I shook his hand

"Hi what might I do for you"he said

"I know this isn't my business but who checks Jackson weight"I said

"Oh that's me"he said with a smile

"Well you see .... Jackson will be picking up some weight since I'm here I will be checking his weight and don't worry he won't be fat"I said

"Well sorry young lady but that isn't your decision"he said and I swear my blood temperature was rising

"You might think we are young but these boys is making your company popular so I say you let them at least let them eat something nice once in a while"I said in a stern tone

"Well if you were running this company ..... you would see what I'm dealing with so just suck it up and mind your own business"he said and they just drove off


Jackson's pov

I was so embarrassed by jin-su's actions I can't even explain

"Wow isn't she something"Mark said

"Is she one of jackson's sluts"JB asked

"Oh no she's his maid she even said it out in bold and that she would never even try touching him"he said and he was obviously lying

"Liar she never said that she only said that she was my maid"I finally spoke

"But Jackson doesn't have maids he prefer to be alone"JB whispered to Mark

𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 •𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕒𝕟𝕘• [Completed ✓]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum