Chapter 12

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-Ryan POV-

It's been 2 days since Madison went missing and I've been a nervous wreck I won't leave my bedroom or do anything but sometimes take showers my dad and Ñeymar keep telling me it's not my fault but I threw her in the pool witch made her mad and Storm off

-Ñeymar POV-

2 fucking days and nothing we placed a search party out to look for her we need to find her I already feel like a fuck up

-Messi POV- (First POV yay!!)

It's weird not haven Madi around she always is a ball of energy and I miss her a lot I hope she's ok please let her be ok

-Madison POV-

It's been two days and I'm tied to a bed in just my bra and underwear thank god they haven't raped my yet all they do is hit me and tie me up I really hope my dad comes to get me before they do something

-Kaiden POV- (Kidnapper)

We aren't going to hurt her we'll maybe A little but nothing major and we are going to let her go tomorrow we just needed to get our anger out

-Hayden POV- (Kidnapper)

Kaiden thinks we are ganna let her go he is out of his mind we kidnapped her because she is fucking Ñeymar
Jr daughter think of the money we can get with her I just hope Kaiden isn't stupid and let's her go


New Chapter yay!!

Ok what do you think I put almost everyone POV and what do you think will happen Kaiden lets her go or Hayden sells her hehe Read to find out !!!!

Sky blue skittles out 😘😝✌😎

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