Chapter 3

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-Neymar POV-

It hurt when she told us about whatever his name is .when we got up staires I went up my room but Thiago followed me

I was sitting on my bed with my head in my hands

I soon heard Thiago come on

"What's up and don't tell me it's nothing Neymar we all know something's up with you"

"It's just all these years I left Madison with her horrible mother and I wasn't there to see her grow up and it hurts when she talkes about her other father
It hurts cause he was there for her and I wasn't I just wished I didn't leave her. Julia was a mess back then and I just left Madison with her .It killed me Thiago when she was laying In that hospital bed In a coma for 3 days because Julia decided to beat that girl that did nothing to her" I just started to cry

I then got attacked with hugs I looked up and saw the whole team

"I'm ganna Check on Madison" Oscar said

"Ok" we all said

-Madison POV-

I just got my whole room organized I even hung Christmas lights I got bored and they were right there so why not

I heard a knock "COME IN" I Said loud enough

I was expecting it to be Neymar but it was Oscar.I shot him a small smile and he smiled back

"What you doing" he asked me

"Nothing just got everything organized, I need a walk though so I might head out" I said

"Yeah but I need to ask you a question"


"Do you forgive your dad " he asked me

Did I forgive him,he did leave me with someone that always beat me but he didn't know

"Honestly I don't know uncle it's just it's hard I have only known him for 3 days and I'm just starting to kind of trust him and everything but I want to know him better before I could fully say I forgive him" I said fiddling with my hands

"Fair enough and you might wanna change it's pretty hot out there if your ganna walk around I'll tell your dad meet people" Oscar said and shot me a smile

I smiled at him changed into shorts and a tank top grabbed my phone and started walking the streets of Brazil

Maybe I need to forgive and forget

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