Expected unexpected

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Jacob being 108 degrees slept in his wolf form right at Renesmee's bedside. How she was able to sleep when his wolf-self snored louder then a chainsaw, I couldn't tell you.

But I could tell you there had been a bit less nighttime romance between me and Edward when he was around.

When we arrived at the main house we made our way straight to the cottage. Jacob strayed off the path a bit to phase safetly and stash his clothes as we entered the house.

Taking Renesmee into her room I began undressing her from her day clothes. Edward handed me her night gown which I slipped over her curls. After braiding her hair I laid her down and stood back so Edward could tuck her in.

"She's a heavy sleeper." Edward said, slightly amused.

"Better then I was." I agreed as I leaned into his frame.

As Jacob came over to the window I opened it and stepped back so he could come in. After I shut the window back up Edward lifted me from my feet and carried me from the room.

I laughed happily in his arms as he laid me in our bed and began kissing every inch of my body that was showing. Only when Jacob began snoring did we stop.

I leaned in towards him, gazing into the black pits of his eyes and suddenly I felt thirsty. Getting to my feet I took his hand and pulled him from the bed.

"Lets go hunting." I said to him before taking off through the open window to my immeadiate left.

After I had gotten a safe distance from my daughter I allowed my senses to take over. As I went into my hunting stance I sniffed the air. The wind blew from the north east bringing with it the scent of the mountain lion.

Venom quickly filled my mouth.

Kicking off against the cold hard earth I followed the scent that led me through the woods. Several times I strayed off my chosen path, darting up into the trees as I caught a secondary scent of a hot blooded animal.

Finally I was able to focus. There was the scent just fourth of a mile to my west. I hungered for it, my throat enflaming greatly with each unnessecary breath I took. I was close and soon my buring would be over.

Then I stopped in my tracks.

Walking over to me with the mountain lion in his arms was my husband. When he got to my side he placed it on the ground infront of me and took a step back, a grin on his face.

I took one look in his eyes and knew from the golden color and the purple bruises under his eyes that he had already fed.

"How did you finish so fast?" I asked him as I knelt before the full lion carcass.

Edward took a seat where he stood and watched me with interest. "I've had over a hundred years to teach myself to focus. You are still a newborn-" I growled at the mention of the name. "Let me rephrase myself, love. You've only been in this life for less than 6 months. Its going to take alot of practice to hunt without being distracted by everything with blood."

Nodding my head I tilted my mouth towards the neck of the lion. Hovering above the vein in its throat I allowed the heat of the blood to overwhelm my senses.

At this point my mouth was overflowing with venom and I couldn't help it anymore. I sank my fangs deep into the lions neck and began drawing its blood. Thirty seconds of drinking from the lion and it was as dry as my throat had been.

I threw aside the carcass and looked at Edward.

Edward crawled over to my side and strummed his thumb once over my lip.

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora