"he's not said anything about the fact that you're leaving?"

a pause to think.

"uhh, no, not really. it's not really been the main topic of conversation, i don't know..."

could tell that baekhyun was listening intently, as well, stood by the window, using a different towel to dry his mane of hair. made brief eye contact with her, dark eyes and a more serious expression. analysing the situation and conversation. 

"anyway, i've got to go. speak to you later, yeah?"

needed that. 

"yeah, girl, see you. got to get back to work now as well," mia responded, getting the hint. 

"yeah, okay. bye, love you," roma said. 

"love you."

roma put her phone down slowly, drawn to baekhyun's slow and mesmerising movements.

problems filtered away into the indigo and violet oblivion of the hazed afternoon; momentarily, gone away.

his body was so perfect, her breath got stuck in her throat. everything about him, almost wiped clear her mind of all worries and uncomfortable thoughts. a slight crack in the sky, and a sliver of sunlight slipped through the thicket of clouds, beaming through the glass and travelling down the sharp extent of his features, across his shoulders, collar bones, and down his chiselled chest. 

took in another deep breath. 

as usual, she felt incomparable. dressed in some old, grey shorts and a big, baggy jumper that in no way fit her, draped across her small frame, hair hanging loosely around her face. big, curious eyes weighed down with exhaustion and lack of sleep. limp limbs and pale features. 

but baekhyun smiled at her in a way that made none of that matter at all. wiped it blank from her mind.

"everything alright?" he asked softly.

in the grand scheme of things, roma tried to convince herself that, yeah, everything was fine. was going to be okay. the past seemed a dim but important reminder of the capabilities and dangers within baekhyun and his illuminating presence. the sun didn't help right now. it sparkled at the edges of her vision, distracting her. 

"y-yeah," roma responded in an equal manner, fidgeting slightly on the spot. "yeah, it's fine. i'm just thinking, that's all."

vague answer.

baekhyun rid himself of the towel, pulling on his boxers. roma stared. the action was swift and smooth, and took the breath from her chest. blushing; averted her gaze. perhaps baekhyun didn't even notice. 

couldn't believe she still had this feeling in her chest. 

"what are you thinking about?" he said, in the same deep tone, stood up.

she looked up at him. 

his expression was purely radiant; beaming at her, eyes glinting and reflecting from the transparent light that shone across the sky, seeping in through the window into her room. thick lashes rimmed his glittering orbs. couldn't concentrate properly. 

"a lot of things," she sighed, a saddened smile spreading across her lips, as he stepped forward. only in his jeans and nothing else, wet hair messy and dripping.

both of his hands came down to either side of her head, fingers softly playing with her hair, running his hands over her face. she zeroed in on his actions intently, never leaving his eyes. his finger trailed a line across her pink lips.

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