Chapter 21 (Reggie and veronica)

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Reggie: Hey

Veronica: hey

Reggie: no babe or hearts?!😘

Veronica: nope 💔

Reggie: who hurt you babe?! THERE DEAD💛

Veronica: you did.

Reggie: WAIT WHAT?!

Veronica: you just havent been the best boyfriend lately

Reggie: exactly how

Veronica: you forgot a special day


Veronica: cause you were at a football game

Reggie: what was that day?!

Veronica: our 2 month anniversary

Reggie:ohhhh yeaaaaa......

Veronica: you busy

Reggie: no babe

Veronica: can we talk on the phone

Reggie: sure

-phone call-

Reggie: hey babe i missed your voice

Veronica: hi -sniffles-

Veronica: this isnt easy to say but i think we need a break

Reggie:WHAT WHY?!

Reggie:i didnt forget out anniversary i was out with family...U didnt get my stuff?

Veronica: what stuff?

Reggie: omg it didnt get to u. Oh wait... nobody signed.... i got you stuff

Veronica: look reggie its not all about our anniversary its also about school being stressful right now

Veronica: ive been failing and i think its cause im focusing too much on my love life. I need to focus on grades to become a lawyer

Reggie: babe...

Veronica: i just need time to get my life together. Its not forever its just a break.

Reggie: so what?

Veronica: so when the next report card comes ill see if my grades changed.

Reggie: ok...

Veronica: i have to go

Reggie: okay bye

Veronica: -hangs up-


Veronica couldn't take it so she broke down into tears. She had makeup all down her face but she didnt care. She threw on sweats and her winter coat and headed to the post office.

" package from reggie mantle to veronica lodge" veronica said crying

The guy handed her a big box as she signed. She packed the box into her car and drove back home. She took all the photos of her and reggie of the walls and grabbed all his presents. She grabbed an empty gift box. It was pretty big. She put all the stuff in it then opened the package.  There was a letter which read:

Dear Veronica,
                            HAPPY 2 MONTH ANNIVERSARY BABE 🖤. I know it doesnt seem like that long but i know i wanna spend the rest of my life with you😘 hope you enjoy your present.

Veronica pulled out fake flowers cause reggie knew she would kill real flowers. Then she pulled out two enveloped and inside the first were 2 train new york. That was her home town, she has always gone on and on about wanting to go there. She put the tickets bag crying more and more. In the second one were tickets to see her favorite movie in play...mean girls. Reggie hated the movie yet everytime he would sit with her and watch it. She put it all in the box and slid it up on the shelf in her closet. She then slid into bed drifting off crying.


As veronica hung up reggie thought he would be fine,  he thought she would be his again soon but as he thought that he started to cry. He hasnt cried since his mother had passed away when he was 7. He slid his drawer out,  it was full of images of veronica alone or with him. There was also a football signed Veronica with a heart. Its from when they first started dating.


It was the time where everyone was prepping for junior prom. Reggie was football captain and he wantes to ask out head cheerleader veronica lodge. Every year the team captain would buy a football and pass it to one person and it would eventually go all around the schook back to the captain. This always happened around prom time so it was presented at prom. Chuck had ran up to veronica telling her to sign it. While she was signing it reggie and the football team came up behind her with a sign sayinf will you go to prom with me ronnie. They lifted it up after she smiled only to see reggie holding flowers she said Yes.


Reggie started crying so he took the football and climbed up to the attic and stuck it in a bag with all his other footballs and soccer balls and wrestling gear. He sat downstairs with potato chips and fortnite. He had never played fortnite but his little brother justin had a ps4 so he made an account on that one and started playing. Afterall everyone else said it helped. He wondered if veronica would ever come back to him. What if she never got good grades and just stayed alone. Or what if she did get good grades but started dating someone else. He couldnt handle it, how was he gonna face her in school. He couldnt resist her black silky hair, her perfect lips, her awesome outfits that she always had. She was always so happy with reggie, reggie thought it would last forever cause of how special they made each other feel. Would that all change? She was crying so would this whole "break" make her depressed? Would her silky hair be sloppy or just normal black? Would her perfect lips be a frown? Would her outfits have less thought put into them? Would veronica change all because of reggie? Would she fail her classes? Would she get kicked off the cheer team? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?! But then he started worrying about himself. This isnt normal, he hasnt eaten anything this unhealthy in atleast a year. He hasnt sat inside playing video games for a while. He has definitely not been so sad. He quickly got up and got into some shorts. He turned off the ps4 then went for a jog. What happened if they got over each other?

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