10 years later

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I woke up to the sound of my Father barking orders at the noobies, "Stop aiming the gun at the ground!" Dad barked as I stepped out the door, The soldiers stood at attention, "Ah! Alvara you're here!" Dad said smiling, "Yea... I live here." I told him.

"Well today is the day, you go on your first recovery mission," Dad told me pulling up a map, "here is where the supplies are located," Dad said pointing to the east corner of the map, "Why do I have to?" I groaned.

Dad turned his head, "Because you're the one I choose too." Dad growled, "Okay!" I yelped and ran into the forest grabbing my bow and arrows, I took a deep breath before stepping fully into the forest trying to prepare myself for whatever stalks these woods.

Howls of wolves filled the wind, Whos of the owls covered the breeze, I shivered at the wind that blew through my jacket, "Welp this is a huge WASTE of my time!" I yelled suddenly guns started firing at me. 

I took cover, "You won't live kid!" Mark yelled, "Mark?" I froze.  

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