I didn't steal the damn scroll!

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After working on the seal for a few hours, and almost getting it down, the blonde started to doze off, pen in hand, where he was sitting on the floor.


"Just, five more minutes..."

'Kit, someone's coming!'

"Just lemme sleeeeep"


Naruto finally shot up, pen still in hand, and a line of drool down his chin

"Wh- Wha, Yeaaah, Wh- Whats happening?" The Genin asked, punctuated by a long yawn. 

'Kit! There are people on their way up to your apartment right now! And they don't feel too happy'

"Wait, wha- No theres, Oh wait, no I can feel their Chakra, there's 4 of them, Now what do they want? I'm betting they want another go at what's left of my furniture."

'I don't know, nor do I care, Just hide already! And get rid of those seal plans, quickly!'

"Ok, Ok. I get it already- calm down."

The blonde quickly Grabbed the papers that scattered the floor-not caring if he folded, or screwed them up in the process- Before, Making a quick hand sign, and Revealing an empty, and hidden, department inside one of the walls, He threw the papers in, before doing a quick scan  for any easily accessible hiding places. After finding none, He decided do squeeze into the hole in the wall himself, before masking his chakra, and Covering up the entrance.

It was a stupidly tight fit, And extremely uncomfortable, but it would have to do for now. 

'Was there really nowhere else you could hide Kit? I'm starting to feel claustrophobic.'

'Just shut up already, You stupid fox!'

As the footsteps started to get closer, Naruto's heightened senses picked up on a part of the four men's conversation.

"I can't believe the fucking Kyuubi brat would steal the scroll of sealing, That's like asking for another beating, and You'd better think We'll be giving one to him after this." Naruto dubs this guy 'Man 1'

"Ha, You'll just be using that as an excuse to get one in for the little shit ain't you? I personally prefer just wrecking the thing's apartment, saves you from having to deal with all the blood and shit-Ya know?" man 2 replied

"I just prefer to stay away from it." Man 3 added

"Don't tell me you feel bad for the thing do you?" Man 4, asked, presumable talking to man 3

"No Fucking way, I just don't wanna end up on it's bad side if it ever decides to fight back you know? Which by the way- If it did, I would be one of the first there to butcher it, Killed my fucking wife." Man 3 Scoffed back

'Steal the scroll of sealing? What? Since when? I didn't steal anything did I?' The blonde though, Completely ignoring everything else about the conversation

'No Kit, You definitely didn't. I've been awake since you left the academy, and you've been here the whole time.'

'Then Why are there four assholes making a house-call, Who seem to think that I did?!'

There was a short pause, until the first man kicked the door down, Which by the way, was completely unnecessary.

Naruto sweatdropped. 

'It wasn't. even. locked'


"See, I already told you, he's not going to be here" Man 4 said, Motioning to the seemingly empty apartment.

"Whatever, lets just get going, maybe if we find him first, we can knock him about a little, but not too much, We have to bring him in alive after all." Man 2 Sighed, before leading the rest of them back out of the building.

After the men left, Naruto waited another minute, until he opened up his hiding place, pulling himself out, and sucking in a deep breath of fresh -At least kinda fresh- air.


I know it's short , But i hope that you liked it.

Author-chan signing out. 

Proud Kage of Coshagakure

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