Chapter 3: School Shopping

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Caiden P.O.V.

"What is this place?" I asked, gazing around the busy street at all the people. "Welcome Caiden to Diagon Alley!" Professor Malfoy smiled and waved his hand with a flourish. "We will stop at Gringotts first and then proceed to buy what you need." "Okay." I followed behind the blond professor. 

Once we finished with Gringotts, we headed back into the busy alley. "First stop, Flourish and Blotts." Professor Malfoy said. I entered the bookshop behind him, looking around at the high shelves and millions of books. "Go on Caiden." Professor Malfoy said gently "Go look and see if there are any books you'd like." I nodded and moved slowly further into the store. 

Walking up and down the aisles I studied the books ranging from defensive magic to dark magic and everything in between. I picked out a book about Potions and Healing by Salina Grey before making my way to  the counter. 

Lucius P.O.V.

I walked up to the counter after sending Caiden off to gather some books. "I'll need 2 sets of the first year book schedule please." The young man nodded and handed over two cases of year 1 books. "Is that all, sir?" I shook my head just as Caiden walked up carrying one book. "Is that all that interested you?" I asked, "Um....yes?" "Is that an answer or a question?" He kept silent for a moment "Answer professor." I raised my brow before shrugging and telling him to put the book onto the counter. After ringing up the purchases Caiden grabbed the heavy bag. Smiling gently, I took the bag from his small hands and magicked it down before putting it into my pocket. 

Caiden P.O.V.

After the book store, we headed to the Apothecary and then Scrivenshaft's. All too soon we finished and were headed over to Madam Malkin's Robe Shop. "You need to be on your best behavior here." Professor Malfoy said sternly "Madam Malkin is a very busy woman. So behave." I nodded and followed him into the shop. Moments after we entered, a cry of "Father!" distracted the professor. I watched as he embraced 2 boys with blonde hair. 

Lucius P.O.V.

"I thought you were busy today?" Draco asked stepping back, "Yeah. You said you wouldn't be here?" Loki parroted afterwards. "I am busy boys." I gave them both a smile and gestured to Caiden. "I'm showing Caiden around the alley as he gets his school things." "Oh." Draco glared at the boy, "The bastard child." "Draconis! That is enough." My husband said silkily from behind our youngest twins "It is not his decision." After a few minutes of talking my eldest, Salazar emerged from the back of the shop. "Professor?" Madam Malkin called "I'll take the boy now." I nodded and glanced at Caiden "Go on up." He nodded and moved forward slowly.

Salazar P.O.V.

As I emerged from the back of the shop, I smiled at my parents and brothers. Moving towards them, a tiny little boy caught my attention. He gently brushed past me and into the back room. I shook my head and walked over to my dad.

Caiden P.O.V.

I brushed by the older boy and hurried into the back rooms. "Climb on up child." The lady said gently. I clambered up onto the stool and stood still as she took my measurements. "All done." She spoke after a few minutes "Now all you need to do is choose the material. We have cotton, wool, silk, nylon, or it can be dragon hide?" "Um...the cotton please." "Are you sure little one?" I nodded quickly even though I was allergic to cotton. "All right it'll be done in a few minutes. Go wait in the front." I hurried out of the back room and smacked into a boy who was about a year or two older than me. "Careful there little one." He smiled gently before letting me go and walking past me. "All done?" The professor asked after I rejoined him in the front. I nodded and he gestured to an empty chair beside him. "Sit down." I sat and kept quiet.

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