Chapter 1: Attack

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"Wake up" A shrill voice split the air rousing the little boy from his sleep. "Get up you ungrateful child! Up, or no breakfast!" A woman with wild red hair stormed into the room and yanked the boy from the bed. "Did you hear me?" "Yes." The boy replied "I'll get ready ma'am." "You better." The woman snapped, leaving the tiny room and slamming the door behind her.

The little boy moved over to the bucket in the corner and quickly did his business. After getting dressed, he grabbed the bucket and carried it outside the small cabin. Walking around the side, he dumped the bucket and placed it back by the door. Looking out at the encampment, people scurried everywhere, rushing to get things done and to collect their children.

"Harry!" He spun around to be greeted with the sight of his mother and the camp leader, Albus Dumbledore. "Y-Yes ma'am?" Little Harry asked softly, keeping his eyes down and his shoulders hunched. "You're late. You know you have a lot of chores to do." Lily spat "Get started brat. If you don't finish, no supper. You know the rules." "Yes Ma'am." Little Harry grabbed the basket that his mother held out to him and set off into the surrounding forest.

Skipping and giggling to himself, Harry picked several flowers as he walked down the forest path. He soon reached the clearing where many herbs and medicinal flowers grew. Setting to work, he began picking and gathering the needed herbs and flowers. As he worked, he began humming to himself. Once he had gathered all the needed herbs and flowers, he set off back towards the encampment. 

As he neared the edge of the forest, he heard loud voices and screaming. The smell of smoke and fire was heavy in the air. Gripping the basket tighter to him, he moved forward slowly. Upon reaching the edge of the camp, he stared at the burning buildings and the mangled, dead bodies of men, women and a few children that were scattered on the path. Short quick breaths racked his body, as tears spilled down his cheeks. 

A sudden shout, made little Harry look up. Three men in black cloaks were moving towards him with their wands out. Little Harry gave a gasp and dropped the basket, sprinting back into the forest. Shouts and heavy footsteps followed him. Ducking under branches and scrambling over rocks, little Harry raced through the forest as fast as he could. Quickly looking behind him, he gave a squeak when he noticed how close the three men were. Unfortunately, looking behind him, he missed the exposed tree root and proceeded to tumble head of heels before the world sank into darkness. 

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