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he's small

there's a dead giveaway, fuckers. that's who he is

small, pale, and blue

blue eyes you could get lost in

It sounds so cliche but there's no other way to describe it

eyes I tried to focus on as he worked at! my! table! without him noticing me staring

his laugh, his smile, otherworldly

he's the kind of guy who could get sprinkled with glitter and never get a second glance cause it would suit him like a second skin

except he gets the second glances because he's an angel

cherubic face

brown brown curls


fucking beautiful

his friends all hate me, are the kinks in my heart

but this one is different

he wasn't holding on to whatever he had heard about me when we talked

and we talked! decently



those prismarine eyes are what I loved

that's all

I sit behind him now, in English

I watch him sometimes, sneak a peek

I watch those blue eyes

focus on the girl right next to me


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