Chapter 11 - Garage Sale

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So we are going to have garage sale. There's so much old junk in the garage that could do with a new home, there's some bits and pieces that Kaz and the twins left behind and some stuff that's been hanging around since before most of you arrived here. Plus I'm sure there are things that you guys don't need anymore.
I don't have anything that I don't want protested candi rose
Me neither chimed in chloe and sasha
I'm sure you must have a few old things that you don't use anymore coaxed may li

Floss weren't you telling me the other day that you had grown out of some your old clothes and Archie didn't I have to take you shopping for new  trainers because you old ones were too small. May Li looked around ruefully

Come on guys. We can use the money raised towards a special day out. Perhaps to the zoo or the aquarium. Added may Li tactfully

This spurred everyone into action. Soon everyone was lending a hand to clear out the garage and look for things around the house that weren't needed.
Mike had to stop Dexter and Joseph adding his sunglasses and mobile phone to the garage sale pile when he found them in the office looking for things to sell
Archie and Taz discovered an old handheld games console in amongst a box of toys in the garage, they were soon enthralled by the pixelated characters jumping around the screen
Tyler and Charlie were busy laying items out on a table at the front of the house ready for the sale. Whilst May Li had roped Alex and Finn into helping her move some boxes outside and sort out the contents into what could be sold and what was rubbish. Suddenly Floss appeared with a bundle of clothes and dumped them unceremoniously on the floor by May Li and the boys.
What's all this Floss. exclaimed May li
Stuff for the garage sale
And why is it in a heap on the dirty floor?
Floss shrugged
And hang on a minute, these aren't yours she added picking up a football shirt and football socks.
Hey they're mine shouted Dexter running over and dropping the pile of books he was carrying on to the pile of clothes.
He grabbed the football gear from May Li and scowled at Floss, who scowled back
Pack it in the two of you. Floss you can't take other people's belongings and add them to the sale without their permission. Explained May Li. Both of you clear up this mess.
Charlie and Tyler were chatting at the sale table arranging items. Tyler had decided to add his two dinosaurs to the table, he felt silly having toys like that even though they held a special significance. They had already had a couple of sales. A young man had bought a couple of dvds and a little girl had persuaded her mum to by her a fluffy toy dog.
Mike came rushing over the table. I just had a call from your cousin Irene he told Tyler. She says the police have released your mum's body and it's at the undertakers, so you can say goodbye to your mum. That's if you want to of course, there's no pressure.
What Now? Exclaimed Tyler noticing the car keys in mikes hand.
Well if you want to, it's just I have meetings later so I won't have time to take you later and I thought you rather go now than wait til tomorrow
Right OK Tyler responded still trying to take it all in
Do you want to bring someone with you?
Tyler automatically looked round for Jody but she wasn't there, she was up in the loft with Sasha looking for things to add to the sale. His gaze turned to Charlie.
Charlie? He questioned
Sure I'll come if you want
They got up to leave and Tyler grabbed the two plastic dinosaurs which he had placed on the table.

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