An Epilogue Before We're Done

21 0 0

October 2018

"Ashton, you are bouncing."
"Luke, I am excited."
"Can you blame him?" Calum nudges Luke. "He hasn't seen his girlfriend in months."
The boys and I are sitting in our dressing room at The Greek Theatre. Our opening act, The Aces, just stepped offstage and our stagehands should be setting up our equipment as we speak.
"Yeah, well, me and Michael are seeing ours tonight, too, but we don't bounce like that."
"I bounce," Michael interjects, correcting him. "It's just on the inside."
"Have you heard from her today?" Calum asks me.
I nod, opening my phone once more to read the texts that Hannah and I have been exchanging all day.
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Are you *sure* it's not a big deal for us to come backstage after the show? I don't want to be in the way
To: Hannah From Next Door
From: Me
Are you kidding?? You're not in the way and it's not a big deal at all
To: Hannah From Next Door
From: Me
When will you guys be here?
To: Me
From Hannah From Next Door
Getting there as quickly as we can but SOMEONE took forever to get ready
To: Hannah From Next Door
From: Me
...was it you?
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
It was me, yes
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
This is the first time in MONTHS that I've seen my boyfriend, I'm gonna do what I can to make myself look good, alright?
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
But we are on our way, we just picked up Eliza
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Just got here! This place is HUGE
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Okay, we're in our little section and we just met up with Crystal and Sierra
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
I know you're busy AF right now so I'm just gonna tell you that I love you and I can't wait to see you perform tonight. BREAK A LEG!!!
A grin spreads across my face as I read the texts. I guess I forgot to look at my phone when we got back into the dressing room. I send her a quick text.
To: Hannah From Next Door
From: Me
You always look good. Enjoy the show! I love you too :*
"They're here and with Crystal and Sierra," I answer, reading the texts. Ever since we both confessed our love for each other at our album release party in June, my relationship with Hannah has only gotten better. We talk every day, even if it's just a few texts when we get the chance. With me touring and her busy schedule of school and the kids, it can be tough to get real conversations in, but we always make sure that we say "I love you" before we go to bed, even if that's the only communication we have all day.
"Did she bring Mellie and Adam?" Calum asks.
I nod. "They brought a friend of Hannah's from school, too."
"How is she doing with that anyway?" Luke asks, though he's now scrolling on his own phone. "The culinary school thing."
"It's going really well, I think," I answer, putting my phone back in my pocket. "She's learning a lot and testing everything out on the kids."
"Is she bringing us food?" Michael asks. "Because I'm willing to be a guinea pig if she needs it."
Calum laughs and adds, "Yeah, if she's really looking for people to help her out, she can always count on us."
"Hey, maybe she can help Cal out by setting him up with her friend," Luke turns to me. "Is she single?"
Calum narrows his eyes. "Would you stop trying to find me a girlfriend? Just because you guys are all in happy relationships doesn't mean I have to be."
We hear two knocks on the door, followed by the stage manager poking his head into the greenroom. "Hey, you guys ready?"
I drink the last of my water bottle and toss it into the trash. "Yeah, let's go," I say, grabbing my drumsticks. The four of us follow him to the stage where Luke, Michael, and Calum grab their instruments.
We all slip our ear-ins on, the crowd growing louder as we approach the stage. Luke's adjusting the strap of his guitar when Calum claps a hand on my shoulder. He shouts over the noise, "You ready, bro?"
I give him a single, strong nod. "Let's do it."
The show over, I run back to the dressing room. When we were discussing it yesterday, I told Hannah that I'd let her know where to go once we got offstage, so I search frantically for my phone. When I finally find it, I have a slew texts from Hannah.
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Okay, I know you're onstage but I know that if I don't tell you this stuff right away, I'll forget so I'm gonna text you throughout the show and YOU BETTER NOT HAVE YOUR PHONE ON YOU ASHTON FLETCHER
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
You look amazing <3 I'm so excited
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Babylon is SICK live
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
God you're hot
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Ooooh dat transition from SKH to GTB
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
My new favorite thing about your fandom is during More when they all shout Luke's drunk remarks from your cocktail chats: "WHY CAN'T WE FEEL THEM" "MY HEART" Has he noticed? Remind me to tell him later
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Ghost of You live gave me chills. So beautiful. I'm so proud of you
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Mellie cried and tbh she's not alone
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
My ears hurt but it's so worth it
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Adam does not feel that it is worth it. He just put in the earplugs I got him.
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
This is the happiest I have ever seen you. You are GLOWING
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
I love you so much
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Your face when you drum is my favorite thing about you
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
I may be new to this fandom but I am a big proponent of the SLSP punk jump
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
Whyyy is it overrr
To: Me
From: Hannah From Next Door
^^^That was being sung to the tune of Why Won't You Love Me
The rest of the band finally enters the room just as I'm clicking on Hannah's contact to call her. When she answers, the background nearly drowns out her voice. "Hello?"
"Hey, I just read all your texts, you dork."
"Have I ever told you how hot you are?" is her response. "You're so hot."
I laugh, shaking my head. "Where are you guys?"
"Heading back there now. Crystal knew where to go, so she's leading us," Hannah answers. "I guess her boyfriend gave her actual directions or something."
"Is that Ashton?" I hear a voice in the background that I instantly recognize as Mellie's. "Let me talk to him!"
"We're seeing him in literally like one minute, Mel, you can wait," Hannah tells her before she addresses me again. "They're very excited to see you."
"I'm excited, too." I can't help but laugh. I knew that I would miss Hannah while I was on tour, but I was surprised by how much I genuinely miss Mellie and Adam while I'm gone. When you're used to seeing someone every day, it can be jarring when you go weeks, months, without seeing them. And because of the nature of my relationship with Hannah and, by extension, them, they feel like another set of siblings. "So you guys are on your way back here?"
"Yup! We'll be in the same room within a matter of minutes."
My stomach flips at the thought. "Okay, we're in the greenroom."
When we hang up, I can't sit down. I start bouncing on the balls of my feet, much to Luke's annoyance. "He's bouncing again..." he says to no one in particular.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see a head of pink hair. Crystal, Michael's girlfriend, appears in the doorway, a smile on her face. She crosses the room to Michael, who wraps her in his arms, hugging her tightly. Sierra, Luke's girlfriend, quickly follows, pouncing on Luke. Despite his making fun of me, he's just as ecstatic to see her.
Before I can even look up to find Hannah, I am mobbed by a young boy with freckles and green eyes. Adam's face collides with my stomach, knocking the wind out of me with an, "Oof."
Mellie is quick behind him, wrapping her arms around the both of us. "Hey, guys," I laugh, stumbling backwards with the force of their embrace. I try to return the hug, but am unable to move my arms.
"The show was amazing," Mellie fawns, pulling back to talk to me. Adam does the same, grinning up at me. "You guys were so good! I cried."
"Did I tell you I'm learning, 'She Looks So Perfect' on drums?" Adam interjects. "I told my teacher that I knew you so he's letting me learn your music."
"That's awesome, dude!" I give him a high five.
"Yes and he will not stop practicing." Hearing her voice, I look up and find Hannah standing in front of me. "Have I told you how much I resent you for getting him drums?"
"Christmas is coming up, you know," I tease. "Plenty of instruments to get him."
"Don't you dare."
Releasing myself from the grips of the kids, I step forward and pull Hannah to me. Her arms find my waist and she squeezes me tight. "Hi."
"Hi," she mutters into my chest. "Oh my God, you're so sweaty."
I tighten my grip. "Embrace it."
"You smell so bad."
"It's musk."
"It's disgusting." Hannah is able to pull her head back enough to look up at me and smile. "It's so good to see you."
"Your face, it's here," I take her face in my hands, cupping both cheeks. "So close to my face."
"Are you drunk?" She asks me through a grin. "I thought you didn't drink on show nights."
"Drunk on youuu." I drawl, though she's right; we don't drink before the shows, it has a noticeably bad effect on our performance when we do.
Mellie and Adam have already moved on, now talking to the rest of the band. "They really connected with Crystal while we were watching the show," Hannah explains, following my eyes. "She's really sweet to them."
I note the young woman with dark hair standing with them, talking to the kids and Crystal, who is perched on Michael's lap. "Is that Eliza?"
"Oh, yeah! I need to introduce you."
"Hey, before you do, quick question, is she single?"
"Why, are you looking?" Hannah raises a playful eyebrow at me.
"Not for me, for Cal," I answer, lowering my voice.
Her other eyebrow joins the first one, jolting into her hairline. "Oh, are you serious?"
I nod, shrugging. "Unless you think it's a bad fit or something."
"No, I love it," She nods fervently. "Let's do that. I love matchmaking."
My turn to raise a questioning eyebrow at her. "Really? You didn't love it when Luna tried it with me."
"That's because I didn't like the match," she shoves me. "You were the Lazar Wolf to my Tzeitel."
I smile, pulling her closer. "But then I became your Motel, right?"
A surprised grin spreads across Hannah's face. "Oh my God, did you watch Fiddler on the Roof?"
"I did. We've had a lot of time on the road."
"Miracle of miracles! What did you think?" Her eyes are hopeful as I try to formulate an answer. Before I can, however, she catches onto my sheepish lack of enthusiasm and pats me gently on my chest. "It's okay. You tried, and that's all that matters."
Smiling softly at her, I press a kiss to her forehead. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too," she answers snuggling into me, tucking her head under my chin. "And you're here for a few days."
"Until we leave for Europe, yeah," I confirm. I've been looking forward to this break since we left for the North American leg of our tour a few months ago.
"Will you be super busy or will I able to see you?" I can hear the hope in her voice.
"Eh, I may be able to make some time for you." Hannah smiles, smacking me on my chest. "Yes, definitely, you will be seeing me."
"Good." She grips my shirt in her fist and pulls me down to her until we are kissing. I pull her as close to me as possible, our bodies pressed together. It's been so long since I've been able to hold her like this, to kiss her, and every ounce of built up longing comes out of me now. The best part is that I can feel it in her return.
When we pull apart, I let out a shaky breath. "Man, I missed that."
"Man, you smell."
"Man, you're romantic." I reach up, flicking her forehead with my fingers, to which she responds with a giggle and a swat of my hand.
"Hannah!" Adam's voice rings out across the room. Hannah and I look over to see Adam standing across from Calum, who sits on one of the couches. "Calum said I could have one of his old basses if it's okay with you!"
"Oh, did he now?" Hannah eyes Calum who stares back at her, a deer caught in headlights.
"He said he wants to learn how to play more instruments!" Calum tries to defend himself. "I was just trying to be helpful!"
"I will kill him," Hannah mutters so only I can hear.
I tighten my grip on her, holding her close. "Not in front of the kids."
She takes a deep breath in and lets it out. "You're right. You guys will be here for a few days. Plenty of time to kill him." She looks up at me, shrugging as she nonchalantly discusses the murder of my bandmate.
I brush a lock of her hair behind her ear and smile down at her. "Yes. Plenty of time for lots of things."

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