Take Me Down

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You grunted in pain as you landed on your back on the mat below you, the fall near enough knocking the wind out of you.

"Come on you're not even trying." Shot Natasha, clapping her hands loudly in front of you, "Get it together I'm kicking your ass."

Huffing out an exasperated breath, you placed your hands on the floor, pushing yourself to your feet and wiping the sweat from your brow as you faced the other woman again.

"Do you think maybe you could take it easy for once?" You panted, digging your hand into your side as you felt a stitch coming on.

"You think an enemy is gonna take it easy on you?" Asked Natasha, bouncing lightly from one foot to the other, "Fists up, let's go."

Releasing your grip on your waist, you reluctantly did as you were told, jumping on the spot a few times before mirroring her position and raising your hands just in front of your face.

"You're going to have to try and hit me eventually." Taunted Natasha, taking a swipe at your head causing you to duck. She quickly followed up with a kick aimed at your torso and you stumbled back in an attempt to avoid her.

Holding your arms out to try and regain your balance, you clenched your jaw and narrowed your eyes, "I am trying to hit you."

"No you're not, you're scared of me." Returned Natasha, swinging another punch in your direction which you just about managed to deflect with your arm.

"With good reason don't you think?" You snapped, taking a few steps to your left as you began to circle one another.

Laughing at your response, Natasha shook her head, "You pick and choose when you're scared of me."

"Well when you're trying to punch me, that seems as good a time as any to be afraid of you."

"Maybe you wouldn't need to be so afraid if you tried to hit me back." Ducking down low, Natasha took a swipe at your legs and you quickly had to jump to avoid being knocked to the ground again.

Gritting your teeth in frustration, you swung a left hook at Natasha, irritation only increasing further as she effortlessly backed away from you. "In what world am I not trying?"

"It's half-hearted." She took another swing, "Sloppy." Another punch, "Lazy." A kick to your stomach met its target and you staggered back, the air knocked out of your lungs, "You're too afraid to hit me in case I hit you back."

You were thoroughly angry now, the final blow to your body filling you with a rage you didn't even know you were capable of, "You're a real bitch you know that?"

"Oh I am?" Natasha scoffed, breaking out into a grin, "Good, you're angry, use that anger against me."

"You know this isn't a fair fight." You snapped, beginning to circle the red head again as you tried to catch your breath, "You know you're stronger than me."

Blowing out an amused breath Natasha rolled her eyes, "So you're strong enough to fuck me all night long but you can't even hit me?"

Stopping in your tracks you lowered your hands to your sides, scowling back at the other woman, "Do you really have to be so crude?"

"Oh I'm sorry, would you rather I said make love." She teased.

Her words only made your eyes narrow even further in her direction, "Do you know what, I'm done."

Watching as you turned your back on her and made to step off the gym mat, Natasha chuckled quietly, "Are you ever going to grow a backbone?"

"Bite me Natasha." You shot back, bending down to pick up your towel from the edge of the mat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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