Chapter 13💜

Começar do início

"Ion need my chair." He said.

"You sure?" I asked him. "Yeah I'm sure baby. Can't have you rolling yo man around."

He grabbed my hand.

"Come on Jr and Jass." They got out and Jr and Jass grabbed Morris' hand.

"So I um have to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

Morris bumped me. "Um I'll tell you later." He nodded. "Okay."

We walked into the mall.

"Imma take the kid's shopping. Meet back up at the food court." Morris said.

We was all at the food court and Morris sat next to me. I was eating when I felt his hand on my thigh.

I moved it.

He put it back on my leg. "Stop." I whispered to him. I got up. "I'm going to the restroom." I told Romeo.

I walked to the bathroom.

I stood at the sink trying to get my thoughts together. Why the fuck would Morris do that? I sat there when I heard the door open.

"Nay?" It was him.

"Morris what is wrong with you?"

"We really need to talk. I can't pretend that kiss didn't happen baby."

"Don't call me baby Morris."

"Can we please talk Naomi?" I sighed. "Make it quick." I said.

"Are you with my brother because you love him or because you feel obligated too." "What you trying to say?" I asked him.

"I'm trying to say just because he's the first guy you've dated and kissed doesn't mean you have to be with him." "You think I'm just dating him because he's the first guy to give me attention?"

"I'm just saying Naomi."

I looked at Morris because it was some truth behind that. "Look Morris you're a very smart guy and I'm happy that you do what you can for your baby but I'm not that type of girl."

"What you mean?"

"Just 3 months ago I was the preacher's daughter and nobody recognized me.

I was happy with my life Morris.

Now look at me. I've made out with 3 different guys, I've received head from a guy when I'm celibate, and I caused Tavion to be kidnapped and your brother to be shot.

I have 4 wonderful guys that want me when I don't even want myself.

I'm homeless and I'm searching for a woman who probably doesn't even want me around. Last thing I need is something else.

So Morris please don't complicate my life anymore than it already is."

I brushed past him when he grabbed my arm.

"Naomi you've only been in my life for 2 months and they've been the best 2 months in the world."

I sighed.

"Morris please just leave me alone okay? We friends could you please keep it like that?"

He looked at me.

"I need at least one male in my life that doesn't hate me or doesn't want me." He looked down. "I'm sorry Naomi but if I can't have you I don't wanna be friends with you."

"Morris don't do this." I said.

"Don't do what Naomi? Fall in love."

"How can you be in love with me in just 2 months." "Time doesn't mean anything Naomi."

The Preacher's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora