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"We're losing her Doc!" we rushed her to the operating room.

"Its either her or the baby?"

"Please save my baby, I've already lived my life it's her turn." "We got to do it natural, that's the only way we can try to save both. Push!"

"Push harder Mrs.Brown" she was pushing as hard as she could.

"She's here!" the baby cries filled the room.

"We have to take her into immediate surgery, Mr.Brown are you sure this is what you want?"

"Just save my wife and my baby."

"We will try to do all we can."

We let her hold her daughter for what might be the last time.

"Hey baby it's mommy just incase I don't make it I want you to know I love you and you are so beautiful and be good for grandma and daddy I love you so much Naomi Crystal Brown."

"Its time Mrs.Brown."

The nurses took the baby as we rushed her to surgery. Her heart started to slow down as we applied her oxygen mask and put her under.

The meters beat rapidly.

"We have to make this heart surgery quick."

Her machine stopped as we replaced the hearts. After we finished sewing her up and bandaging we had to get her heart beating again.

"1, 2, 3....."

"1, 2, 3..." "Doc she's not coming to." I pumped faster and harder then *beepppppp*

"No, keep pumping!" I ordered the others in the room. "It's no use doc she's gone." I shook my head. She just had a baby, she risked her life for her child that's the biggest hero.

"Doc, we got to tell her family" one of the female nurses said.

Naomi Mom's P.O.V
I already knew I wouldn't make it but I'll do anything to make sure my baby girl had a great life.

I pray my little girl know I did this for her she deserves to live a life that I couldn't. I started to see a white light and doors.

I guess it's my time I grabbed the handles of the huge doors. I felt free and in paradise this is where I belong. I can't be with them physically but I'm always here spiritually.

*17 years later*
"Daddyyyyy!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Ma'am?" "Why you always calling me ma'am like I'm old or some?"

"It's called showing respect."

"Awwww, well guess what?" "What?" "I got all A's with a 4.7 Gpa." I said dancing.

"Now you know you can do better than that Naomi."

"Dad I have all A's, can't you just be proud of me for once?" "Yo momma gave her life up for you, and you bring a 4.7 home really?"

"I worked hard all semester I'm trying dad, can't you understand that I could be out here having sex, smoking weed, getting pregnant, and dropping out but instead I choose to live up to your impossible standards."

"Don't start Naomi go to your room and give me your phone." I gave him the phone and ran upstairs.

I starred out my window at the night sky.

"I wish you was here mommy, dad's always gone and has been really strict lately. Why did they have to take you?

My graduation is in a couple months I wish you could be here physically to see it but at least you're in peace I love you."

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