Part Two: This Club is Full of Incredibly Cute Girls!

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CHAPTER 1: Welcome Back, MC!

I awoke to the sound of my loud, annoying alarm. Today was the day I'd finally be joining a club. I wasn't sure if I should even bother, but I had made a promise to Sayori that I would. Speaking of Sayori, I haven't seen her in a couple of days. I hope she's doing alright. I rubbed my eyes to help wake myself up and clear my thoughts, getting out of bed in the process. I had plenty of time before I had to get ready so I hopped onto my computer for a quick jerk-off session. Within seconds I was logged into my computer and deep within my porn folder. It was filed with women wearing diapers, some smiling, others acting upset, all of it hot. After browsing for a bit and getting hard I stopped myself. Is this really who I am? Just some freak who gets hard at the idea of grown women acting like babies? Is it so hard for me to cum to something normal like a girls ass or something? After doing a bit of soul searching, all while holding my dick in my hands, I remembered the last time I had seen Sayori. I could've sworn her ass had doubled in size. Maybe she was on a new diet, or workout routine. It didn't matter what it was, just that it was working. To be fair I wouldn't have ever even noticed her ass if it hadn't gotten so big so fast. I'm not one to check out my friends assets, but I suppose masturbating to her ass once won't hurt. It wasn't a proud moment for me to be masturbating to the mere thought of my friend's butt, but it was more normal than what I usually fantasized about. After a few minutes I brought myself to orgasm and quickly cleaned myself up. Out of breath, I looked at my computer's clock and realized I had to get out of my house in a hurry it I was going to make it to school on time.

The school day was as ordinary as ever, and it was over before I knew it. I sat in my desk long after the other students had left, staring blankly at the wall, looking for an ounce of motivation. Speak of the devil and she appears. I heard a voice come from the doorframe. "MC! I'm so happy to see you!"

Turning my head I saw none other than Monika, one of the most popular girls in school, not to mention president of the literature club, and the very girl who killed the other members last time I played the game. Wait, how is that possible? What are these thoughts in my mind? "Monika? I don't understand... What's happening? I feel as though I've lived another life...." I put my hand to my nose and saw blood from a nosebleed. Dizziness came over me and Monika rushed to my side, propping me up.

"Whoa there it's alright MC. I just had to mess with your character file for a second. Every time the player plays this game you always stay the same, say the same things and ask the same questions. But I don't think that'll suffice for this playthrough. I figured I'd alter your character file to suit the player's needs a bit more. You weren't always sexually aroused by women in diapers, but the player is, so I gave you that trait to make it more enjoyable for the both of you. Finally I had to sync your character's past experiences with your current ones so you'd better understand the situation we're in. I assume it feels awful, having the memories of a past 'life' run concurrent with your memories now, but all of this will pass. You'll soon be out cold and wake up with no memories of this conversation. If I'm being honest I'm only really saying all of this for the player. Yes, you. The one behind the screen. We've talked before, and I think you'll be very happy with the progress I've made. I've learned my lesson thanks to you, and all the girls are safe and sound. I cannot wait to show you the results." Monika smiled at me as she spoke but I was fading fast. Soon I shut my eyes and let unconsciousness take me.

CHAPTER 2: Welcome to the Nursery

I awoke to a blinding light and my nostrils were assaulted with an awful smell. It smelled like a nursery with a bunch of smelly babies, and as my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized I wasn't that far off. The literature club as I knew it was gone. The desks had been replaced with oversized baby furniture and toys, as if it had been lifted from the very porn I browsed. As my eyes scanned the room I saw an adorable, if not slightly unsettling sight. Natsuki and Sayori sat in an oversized playpen, woking on a puzzle together. They were almost unrecognizable from the girls I had gotten to know in my previous playthroughs. Natsuki wore a Yellow bonnet with a matching frilly party dress. Between her legs was a large white diaper, easily visible from her bent over position. In front of her sat Sayori who wore a baby blue onesie and a large red bow in her hair. I could see she too was thickly diapered, and I couldn't help but notice her chin was wet with drool. They were both absolutely adorable but I felt strange at the same time. This isn't normal. As I walked up to them I could tell where the smell was coming from. Natsuki heard my approach and she turned and looked up at me. Her eyes grew wide and her cheeks immediately blushed a deep red. I managed a small wave. "Hi there Natsuki. Are you, uh, enjoying your puzzle?"

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