Ross had jumped into the water. His head had disappeared underneath but he soon surfaced. His wet hair was clinging onto his face and the water created trails as it responded to gravity and fell down his face. I noticed he was wearing nothing. He was skinny-dipping.

"This water feels great!" he exclaimed.

"It felt great a few seconds ago," I snorted.

I was kind of happy to see Ross, but our dynamic didn't allow me to say it to him. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"...and now it feels better than great. I get you," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "So you couldn't find anything to wear?"

"Yeah, but you look good in those tight briefs," he said and bit his lip.

He scooped up some water and threw it my way. It smacked me right in the face. He giggled like a little kid and continued throwing water my way. I swam away from him but he chased me down. He was quite a strong swimmer and caught up to me with ease.

"You've forced me to do something drastic now. I'm going to cut this lake in half. You can swim over there and I'll swim over here. Stay on your side," I said.

"Buy a lake first and then you can draw imaginary lines in it and no one will say a thing," he said with a smirk but then his expression became serious. "Nasir called. My aunt and uncle are officially gone. They are still sulking, but they're doing it out of my house. We can go back. Normally I would stay longer but there's that annual RossTech staff ball that I hate."

"The what?"

"...The ball. Stefanie sent the invitations and you RSVP'd," he said.

"I what?" I said.

"I'm the one who forgets things. You are the one who...forgets things. Why did I hire you again?"

"You tell me," I said.

He smiled sensually. "That's confidential. I don't discuss employee contracts or the hiring criteria."

"What contract and criteria?" I mocked.

"Believe it or not I have standards," he said. "I'm very selective."

"I'm really curious. Why did you hire me?"

"...Because you stole from me, duh."

"Someone would say that's the best reason not to hire someone," I said.

"Someone lives a boring life," he said. "I'm in Mitchell Paradise skinny-dipping with a very sexy guy."

"Are you sure you run your company? I have a feeling you're just a figurehead," I said.

"I have a feeling that's an insult but I have no idea what it means," he said.

"Do you make any decisions?"

"I make all the decisions, like right now I'm going to make a decision. We are going to the RossTech staff ball," he said.

"I am not part of RossTech staff," I complained. "Why am I going?"

"You are my PA and I'm practically RossTech," he replied.

"Do you force your staff to go to your parties?"

"Only the ones that personally work for me," he said with a smug that was hard to miss. "How am I supposed to function without my incompetent complacent PA?"

I scoffed. "Are you even sure I RSVP'd? I don't recall doing anything of that sort."

"I'm sure. They sent a message telling me how delighted they are to have me. This is my first one."

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