Chapter 8

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Heyyy thx for reading there are so many reads eek I never knew you loved this story

Hazel's POV

Gus' behaviour was troubling. Recently he had picked up a fork to eat his soup and insisted he was using the right utensil. I had agreed with him after a while, seeing I was getting no where.

He attempted to drink his soup with the fork and gave up after a while. He just drank the soup from the bowl. I did a mental facepalm. Then I picked up a napkin and wiped his face.

He beamed at me. I managed a small smile back.

"Hazel, do you want to go to the park today? I could really do with some fresh air..." he trailed off and gave a puzzled look. "I forgot what I was going to say!" he exclaimed.

"Well it's okay, we can go to the park like you asked and if you think of what you were going to say then just tell me." I said patting him on the arm reassuringly.

There was a pause as he tried to remember the rest of his sentence, then giving up the attempt he sighed and agreed.

I stood up from the table and said, "I'll just change into some nicer clothes then we can go okay?"

"Okay." He replied.

I hurried up to my room and slipped on some jeans and a pale blue shirt with a white owl on it. Then I rushed downstairs and slipped my feet in some flats.

"Are we good to go Gus?" I called out.

I heard a scuffle and then Gus appeared at the top of the stairs. "Yup, I'm ready!" he said.

As he walked by me out the door he added, "By the way, you look amazing."

I blushed and shut the door behind us as we started to walk to the park.

"Thanks." I said.


So yea sorry about lack of updates!! I think I'm going to start a new fanfic because I keep writing in my head!

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