Chapter 1

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Video credit to betterinblackx3 on YouTube

Augustus' POV

It was a bright, warm summer day and I was planning on taking Hazel to the park. It was going to be a surprise of course, she had no idea that I was going to be dragging her out of her house in a few minutes.

Well, I couldn't really drag her. I would have to bring Philip. And like the gentleman I was, I would bring it down the front stairs of her house for her.

I smiled to myself in the mirror and pulled down on the light blue button down that I was wearing.

It was just Hazel but I couldn't help but feel slightly self conscious.

I found myself thinking about whether my dark jeans matched my shirt enough and had to admit to myself that I wanted to impress her.

Breathe, I reminded myself.

I turned away from the mirror quickly and ran downstairs, taking the steps two at a time. Running through the kitchen, I only stopped to grab a croissant lying on a plate and patting my pocket to see if my cigarettes were in there.

They were. So I threw open the door and jogged to my car.


My croissant was already long gone by the time I got to Hazel's house and rang her doorbell.

After a few seconds I heard footsteps and stepped back as the door opened.

It was Hazel's mom.

"Gus!", she exclaimed.

"Hello Mrs.Lancaster, is Hazel here?" I asked as calmly and politely as I could. I couldn't wait to see Hazel!

"Yes dear, she's just upstairs in her room. Come in!" she smiled.

Thanking her I stepped in and proceeded up the stairs. Once I got to Hazel's room I knocked on the door and waited.

"Mom?" she inquired.

I grinned. "No it's Gus."

The door opened a crack and Hazel poked her head through blushing. "Oh, sorry. Hey Gus!"

"Hey. Um, could I come in?"

She blushed a darker shade of red. "Um, yea of course, sorry I don't know why I didn't let you in. I'm so awkward!" She hid her face in her hands.

I walked in and hugged her gently. "No you aren't." and then I leaned down and kissed her.

She gasped in shock but then kissed me back.

Her lips felt like they always had and her hands on my back were soft.

I pulled her closer and our bodies melted into each other like they were matching puzzle pieces.

She was the one who pulled away, gasping. Then she looked down at the ground. "Sorry, I had to breathe."

I laughed and soon she joined in, her laugh soft and sweet.

"Well, on a different note, why are you here Gus?" she looked up at me, her eyes shadowed by her eyelashes.

I smirked. "We're bringing Philip and we're going somewhere special."

Then I brought Hazel and Philip downstairs and helped her into my car.

All Hazel said was "Please don't drive like a madman like you always do."

I stepped on the gas pedal.

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