Part Two

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Third person point of view:

The door slammed and the man with the sandy blonde hair, made his way upstairs for the lecture that was awaiting him. He had a medium build and was by no means a small person. His upper body was dense and tight, packed with muscle but well hid underneath his vest and t-shirt. He made the climb slower than he had to, there was no reason to rush when he already knew what was going to happen, at least in his opinion, his bosses didn't think the same. 

"Agent Barton, can you please explain to me what in the hell you were thinking?" A large black man in a black leather trench coat asked without looking up from the stack of papers in front of him. 

"Assistant director if you could just let me explain..."

"Oh yeah Barton you better get started. I specifically told you that the threat needed to be eliminated and what do you go and do? Oh that's right you bring her directly on to my freaking ship. Sure does sound eliminated to me."

"Assistant director Fury sir, I believe that she could be an asset to our organization. Her skill set is well beyond comparison to anyone else we have here. Sir if we can turn her further than she already has, her abilities would only elevate us further." 

"You better be right about this Barton, or there is going to be hell to pay." Fury sighed and slammed a file up against his chest and walked out of the room, leaving him to trail behind like a lost puppy. 

"Sir I understand that this is her file but I don't think it..." 

"Barton I don't want another word out of you until I finish interrogating her." Fury yelled, giving the younger man a stare that silenced him only momentarily. 

"Sir, if you could just let me explain to you what happened on that roof. Please?"

"I said not another word. I will deal with you later." Fury said as he arrived at the interrogation room door stopping agent Barton from coming in and slamming it in his face, not even startling the red head who was sitting as still as could be. 

Agent Barton went into the other room on the other side of the one way mirror to watch, he found he was not the only one in the room, he couldn't decide if that brought him comfort or worry as she walked next to him to watch in silence. 

"The Black Widow, finally in our grasp." Fury waited for her response, but got nothing other than a blank stare, she didn't even look up at him as he talked, he was now pacing around her as she sat in her seat. 

"You know some of your resume is quite impressive, I've got to give you that. I mean your kill count, astronomical, not to mention how you earned your code name." The man paused for a moment to glance up at her from the file he didn't need to read, she was still staring blankly, she hadn't moved, to him it seemed like she hardly breathed. He didn't think she was human, she couldn't be with her rap sheet, and that was only the stuff they knew about.   

He was agitated by her silence and unresponsiveness, he wanted to push her buttons, he wanted to know if she could be saved.

"Let's see here, what else have you done. Set fire to a hospital, oh that's a new low." He didn't notice the tiny twitch in her face and the look of confusion that flashed over her eyes for a fraction of a second, but agent Barton did. "Soviet trained, but I'm pretty sure that was obvious, I mean it would explain the coldness." Again she didn't react and he was getting more and more upset.

"So the moron who brought you in was one of my agents. He says he sees something in you and I want to know what that is. Care to share?" He asked changing tactics and sitting down across from her, when he did he saw the true blankness for the first time. It was like nothing was there at all, that she didn't have a soul, that wasn't normal, how could agent Barton see anything in this monster.

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