chapter 2

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(cj pov)

man it's been two weeks since I've last heard from Britt... idk WTF has been going on and I really don't know if she's ok or what's on her mind or if she even still loves me... I miss my daughter too I miss talking to her and all the shit hell I miss my fuckin family and what really sucks is the fact that her phone is off so the only line of communication is her moms phone but her mom is a total bitch so I know she won't let her use it... ugh this sucks I really miss her and jayla both....


*phone vibrates*

unknown number - hey this is Brittany and I'm on my moms phone...  I've missed you but needed time to myself...I still think about you but I'm not ready to talk just yet I'm still clearing my mind... ttyl PS DON'T TEXT BACK...

wow that took a lot of mother freaking nuts to seriously text me some shit like that... I seriously can't believe she couldn't call me she seriously could have told me what her plan was rather than leave me in the fucking dark plus she didn't even say I fucking love you like wtf...sigh what the fuck did I do to deserve this I swear it's like this every fucking time I just hope she's not like the rest and leave me when she swore she would forever be here...

later that day

I had a long ass day at work boy being a customer service supervisor or csm is hella fucking stressful especially when the majority of the girls like you... it's crazy though because they flirt really hard but I pay them no mind cuz even though me and baby ain't talking I'm still considered taken... BUT I can't lie its a beautiful ass girl up here her name is laquavia...  qua for short... I notice every time I come around she smiles... her dimples makes me weak I can't lie I try not to let it tempt me but I can't lie y'all shawty badd! I haven't talked to her yet tho I'm trying to keep it professional plus I'm still taken supposedly...

(Brittany pov)

it's been like two weeks and I haven't talked to cj... I do miss her but there's too much going on I'd rather just be to myself I know thats selfish but ugh idk I'm just not feeling this relationship...I hate having to hide who I am and my relationship I feel like Im not ready for a relationship just yet and I feel like its not fair to her to have her here when my heart isn't... ugh this is too much to deal with plus it's this guy named Marcus that's really attractive could it be real feelings or is it just ugh decisions decisions decisions....

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