Chapter Twenty-eight

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Olivia POV

I woke up with my alarm clock going off. I groaned getting off my bed. I saw that mittens was on my bed with cooper. They were so cute. I got my clothes out and walked to the bathroom as I enter i turn on the water. I take my shirt off and then my pants and lastly my other stuff.

I hopped in the shower and got my cloth I ran it across my chest and then my legs and then my sensitive areas. I rinsed off with water. I turned off the shower and got a towel.

I got out and walked to the sink. I brushed my teeth. I then brushed my hair into the hairstyle for school. I then put my outfit on for today (above).

I wear contacts mostly but I wear glasses sometimes. I can't see I'm nearly blind. I laugh at my thought.

I walk out the bathroom and see that cooper was wide awoke and mittens on the other hand was dead asleep.

I walk up to them and cooper picks his head up he barks at me and I laugh. I pick up mittens.

"Wake up. Mommas going to get you some food. Come on cooper"I say and he jumps up and into my arms. I laugh

We walk down the hall and down the steps.

When we get downstairs I hear a baby cry.

I walk into the kitchen and see my mom cradling Jason while Dylan the one that doesn't cry that much eats his food in peace.

"Good morning mom"I said putting mittens and cooper down.

"Good morning sweetheart"she say when Jason finely quiets down

I pour them some food and some water.

"Mom I have to go to school"I said slinging my book bag on my back. I rush out the door

I ran to my car. And got in. I sped out the driveway . I zoomed down the street. As I got into the school parking lot Cole zoomed in next to me on in his orange Ferrari.

We both got out at the same time. He grabbed my hand and kissed it

"Hey princess"he said

"Hey baby"I said and we walked into school. I got numbers of glare and some of them were envy. I smiled.

He walked me to my locker where I saw Bella and axel hugging and Dani and Luke talking . Dani and Luke aren't official yet but there getting there.

"Hey guys"I said

"Hey Liv And Cole"they say

"So who's got the same first period as me again"Bella says

"Me"Cole said and she dragged him down the hall to there class.

"Come on Luke before where late"I said

"Bye guys"Luke said to axel and Dani

"Bye"they answered

We walked down the hall towards Are class and opened he door and then the bell ring and everyone started rolling in.

"Okay good morning everyone. Settle down. So today where not going to be doing anything so y'all can do whatever you want"the teacher said

And there were numbers of cheers and whistles and hollers. It was the end of the school year.

"So what's up with you and Dani"I said

"Well I want to be in a relationship with her but there's stuff I have to deal with first"he huffed

"Like what. If you don't mind"I said

"Well first I have to put every girl aside. I have to be perfect for her"he said

"Yes you have to put every girl aside. But you don't have to be perfect she likes you for you. How's your grades"I said

"There fine As and Bs"he said proudly

"What. You don't get As and Bs"I said

"Mr.robber what grades do I get"Luke said to the teacher

"A's and B's"he answered

"Now do you believe me"he said

"Yeah I do"I said

So they all get good grades even the bad boy.

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