As he reaches the doorway, I manage to get him in a headlock. He slams me back against the wall, and begins to elbow the sides of my ribs. Then, with a sudden burst of strength, he flips me over, leaving me on the ground in front of him. I lie for a second, completely winded as he points a glock at me. A lump forms in my throat at the thought of him actually firing a gun. What if the girls found me, in the middle of the hallway with a bullet in my head? 

He puts the gun down and walks into the master, leaving me heaving in the hallway. I try to get up, but my ribs are making it hard to move. I manage to force myself up to follow the guy. I peak around the door to see him going through Faith's jewelry. I look at her to see she is sound asleep. If he wants the jewelry and money, he can take it. I couldn't care less. But if he dare touch Faith or the girls... 

He smiles to himself and he loads Faith's silver into a black bag. He grabs a few of my watches too. I hide in the doorway. If he doesn't touch her... then I won't shoot, I say to myself. But then I remember that he has a gun too. 

Just when I think he's done, he takes a sick turn. He spots Faith's wedding and engagement rings on her left hand. I feel cold as he tries to slip them off her finger. He uses one hand to cover her mouth as she starts to wake up. She immediately tries to scream as she becomes aware of what's going on. He reaches for the gun.

I pull the safety and run into the room. "Leave." I say, pointing the gun at him. He laughs hauntingly, aiming his gun at me. I don't flinch. "Leave now, or I will fire." I re-instate. Faith tries to crawl to the other side of the bed, but he grabs her wrist. I'm now aiming at his head. That's when the situation gets even worse... 

"Daddy..." I look back to see Gracie, holding onto Audrey's hand. Maggie is back further in the hallway, looking out from her room. My chest tightens as the man grins. My finger stiffens on the trigger, but I can't fire with the girls right there. I can't scar them like that. 

Tears are running down Faith's cheeks as she looks at me desperately. The man now knows my weakness... He aims the gun at Faith's head. Faith begins to sob as the girls scream. Audrey tries to run to her, but I scoop her up before then. She begins to kick and scream for Faith, making Faith cry harder. 

"Choose." The man says, pointing the gun at the kids, then back to Faith. I barely hesitate.

"Shoot me." I say. The man shrugs his shoulders. Faith begins to yell, but she's silenced by the sound of a gunshot.... 

He shoots me in the stomach twice. The pain is unimaginable. I groan, in attempt not to scream. The man passes me while I'm doubled over and grabs Audrey by the arm and drags her over in front of me. He holds the gun to her head. 

"Her turn." He says, stiffening his finger on the trigger. 

"No... No... please." I cry out. He laughs. I pry one of my arms away from my wound to grab the gun. I try to aim it, but my hands are so shaky that it is unstable. I aim as high as I can to miss Audrey. I pull the trigger. It hits his neck. Audrey screams and runs to me as he falls over. I fall forewords and start to cry as Faith rushes down to me. 

"Honey, it's okay." She says. I can feel her hands shaking as she turns me over. She grabs the phone and dials 9-1-1. "Gracie, take them downstairs." She says. Gracie nods, and quickly takes Maggie and Audrey out of the room. She speaks to the 9-1-1 operator before taking a moment to ask me a question. "Are you going to be okay?" She asks.

"I'm going to be just fine." I smile, but the pain is unimaginable. "I love you so much." I say. She smiles.

"I love you too." She says. She starts to talk to the 9-1-1 operator again. I hear a groan from behind me. Faith must not have heard it, because she continues to talk. Everything begins to happen so quickly. I pull myself up to look at what's making that good awful groaning noise, but Faith puts her hand on my chest to push me back down.

"Faith-" I try to utter, but it's barely audible.

I try to turn my head, and that when I see his leg move. I try to move, but Faith's holding me down. I reach for the gun, but just as my fingers touch the barrel, I hear a click. I feel two punches to my head. Everything quickly goes black, but I can still hear. Am I unconscious?

I hear Faith stop talking, then start to scream. I hear the sound of a safety, and four shots fired. I feel sick, until I hear Faith's voice through the silence. Although this is no comfort, because she's screaming bloody murder. I hear the door click, and Faith's foot steps running towards it. 

"Momma what's wrong?" I hear Gracie's voice muffled through the door. Faith continues to scream. I want to ask her what's wrong, but I can't speak. Then a new sensation runs over me. 

Am I dead?

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