something big ➳ steve rogers

Start from the beginning

     "Y-yeah." He whispered, watching her walk up to the gunman. The pair of boys watched in confusion when Y/N pulled his sleeve up, cheering when there were already puncture marks. The lad surprisingly winced as she pierced his skin with the syringe. Peter saw his eyes scrunch in pain then suddenly widen to the width of an oreo.

The man dropped like a bag of lead, face planting on the stone. "Let's go, Peter. That meeting is now." Peter and Y/N ran hand in hand through the night, weaving through the parked cars on the roadside. After the distance between them and the not long dead body became greater, Y/N stopped to catch her breath and gave Steve a heads up.

Hey, Steve. It's Y/N. I'm just giving you a little bit of time to prepare. I'm... coming over to have a meeting of sorts with Tony. I gave into the kid, babe.

   Finally! Tony's been pestering me about getting five minutes with you. Ever since we dropped a city on itself with preparation from you, he's wanted to get five minutes with you.
  I love you, Y/N. Stay safe.

I love you too, Stevie.

     Peter kind of just chuckled breathlessly at the kiddish smile bolted on her features. A blush saturated Y/N's pale cheeks, but not the bright blush you'd recognize from the movies. It was a light red, more of a mix between pink and that colour. "Be quiet, Peter." After an awkward moment, the corner of Y/N's mouth twitched into her cheek. The kid put his hands up in defense walking on to lead the pair.

     Steve was waiting outside the building when the two were within eyesight. Y/N jumped into his arms like they hadn't seen each other in years which if facetime didn't exist, that would be true. So, in this situation, physical touch had been nonexistent between the two for a while. His warmth seeped into her being and he comforted Y/N without ever opening his mouth. She'd melted into him like ice-cream on a warm porcelain bowl, like she belonged next to him, like he belonged next to her. And each time before they parted, the aching to be in his arms would begin anew. "Steve and Y/N sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." His squeaky voice trailed off when Steve's perpetually soft eyes were as hard as any store mannequin.

     She just laughed off the interaction, slipping her hand into Steve's larger than life ones. They swamped hers in a sense of physical and mental safety, saving her for just a moment from everything she's forced to see, forced to endure. Tony greeted the group in the lobby, jumping up and down while clapping at my face. "Y/N! So good to finally see you in person. Steve goes on and on." And now I see it, in his face, in his personality. Howard was never like this, he was always business, always somber. Tony gave enough time to mix pleasure and professional, or happiness overall.

     "All good things I hope? If not, I'll have to talk to him about it." Tony grinned, probably thinking about how I'd make a good fit for the team. "Now what has gotten your panties in a bundle lately, Stark?"

"Come with me and I'll tell you." As if he was courting me to some gala of his, I took his elbow being lead to a closed off room. My chest began to burn like something awful, my mind becoming blanker than a high school answer sheet. This was a telltale sign of a romantic off going about to happen. What was overcoming me? "Can you explain to me exactly how your powers work?"

     "Well, Stark," I grinned, shifting in my seat to become more comfortable, "They allow me to see the past, present and future. Meaning, I saw what was happening, who was going to cause it and where shit went... down. So, the holocaust, JFK's assasination, Reagan's shooting, 9/11, Sandy Hook Shooting, everything. I saw it happen and when I tried to tell people, they thought I was insane so when it happened, they came to me in the Pentagon. Basically the visit was my big 'I told you so.' I became the POTUS' work wife." I watched Tony bite his lip, scan my face for a lie, then scoots closer to me. "Tony..."

Great things were supposed to be accomplished by me, many great things have. But one my parents expected fulfill till my death was being faithful to my partner, to Steve. I knew that after I left this room, I'm either guaranteed a job or single. It's one or the other and I'd honestly rather have the job here at Stark Tower with benefits than be without my best friend. His hands pulled me between his legs, licking his chapped lips.

We both knew what was coming yet we were both unprepared for it. Even though Tony brought me in here, alone, knowing what was a 75% probability and the other 25% being I'd kick him in the dick. He leaned in, setting his lips on mine gently before retracting to admire me first. Admire the person he'd be seeing a lot of soon. I watched the corner of his mouth twitch upwards and as soon as I did spot it, the skin faded right back into his being.

     Finally his lips touched mine. Sparks flew in every direction, and the world was slowly disappearing around us, along with all of our worries, our troubles and our problems. In this moment, this... disappointing moment made me feel like none of that mattered. It was a small yet warm kiss. I honestly never knew a kiss so innocent could be so intimate and electrifying.

     His lips were moving in perfect sync, Tony's hands feeling my waist; I pulled him closer, the kiss deeper, more passionate. He gasped at the feeling of my hands on the back of his neck play with the ends of his hair. A smile grew on his face as it started to tickle, finally we pulled apart. "Oh... fuck." I groaned, reapplying my lipstick. It was smudged in several places, some lighter than the others. "Before you go out there, wipe-wipe your lips. There's some lipstick on them. Look forward to seeing you here at work tomorrow, Stark."

     "See you tomorrow, darling." I turned around in time to watch his eyes rake down my body, digging into me, drowning in my beauty. Scoffing, I exited walking back over to Steve like nothing happened. His hand enveloped mine, completely unaware I had just kissed Tony mere seconds before.

     "Steve, I would love to stay here, even a night, but an old friend wanted me to go see a movie with her. Love you." His lips touched my cheek. Time stopped. My heart came to a halt. My breath caught in my throat. Our fingers locked together similar to puzzle pieces. As the soft skin of his mouth left the side of my face, the exact spot where they had come into contact burned and tingled. The only reason I acted like that was to keep him off my scent, off our scent. He didn't need to know.

     I walked out, keeping a somber resting face, looking on the outside like everything was okay. But as soon as I was out of view, the tears came down. The urge to curl up in my bed became at large, throwing me to run. Tears blind me and I turn, running as quickly as my long legs can carry me, bolting down the alley way like an Olympic champion at the start gun; quickening my pace to an all out sprint.

     The pounding noise of my tennis shoes resonating off the walls of the alley with a clanging echo that matched my heart throbbing inside my chest with the thick grief and fear I felt as I ran. Fear that he would find out from someone, from Tony, from... Wanda. And grief that I had 1) cheated on him and 2) failed the easiest task my parents have ever given me.

     My building stood in the distance, pushing me to run faster than I was before. I crashed through the already open door, wishing a quick 'good day, mate' to the lobby guy. He seemed unconcerned, going back to taking selfies at the counter. He only ever paid attention on pay day or when there's a new resident. Thanking the lord I lived only on the third floor, I legitimately collapsed like someone had knocked my legs out from under me. Which is what it felt like. Running the four and a half miles almost as fast as Usaine Bolt.

     When I woke up, there were numerous messages on my phone, mostly wanting to know my whereabouts. I answered one of them with a brief 'I'm gonna be late, don't wait up' thinking about the ugly facing me as I enter that building.


I'm sorry this took so long to write but steve isn't my favourite character and I, personally, find it hard to write for a character I don't like.


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