Chapter 6

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When I awoke next, I was alone, lying on a dusty cot in one of the old hospital rooms. It was night once more, and I knew the sun had set about an hour ago. Kanin had kept me out last night until it was nearly dawn, explaining that, as a fugitive, I needed to know when the sun approached and how much time I had to seek shelter. Because then people would be able to see me in the light. Where as at night I could hide in the shadows

Despite this, we almost didn't make it back. I remembered approaching the ruined hospital, growing more wary as the sky went from pitch black to navy blue. But even through the wariness I had felt a growing panic and desperation, urging me on to find shelter. Kanin had scooped me up, holding me close as he strode through the grass and weeds, hiding me from people's line of sight.

Pushing myself off the bed, I ducked into the dark, narrow hallway in search of Kanin.

He was sitting at the desk in the office, sifting through a large stack of papers. His eyes flicked to me as I came in, then he continued to read.

"Um." I perched on one of the overturned cabinets.

"Thanks. For not letting me be seen this morning. I suppose that's what would happen if I get stuck outside in the sun, right?"

"Yes. Someone could see you and report you. Then you'd be dead" Kanin replied without looking up. I watched him, remembering how he'd carried me inside, and frowned.

"So, why were you not worried about people seeing you?"

"I'm a vampire. I'm a lot harder to kill. You aren't. No way will they catch me" Kanin turned over one sheet and started on another. Still not looking at me. "We,you, have to stay  in the night for now on, likes owls and bats. Eventually if you change your appearance of leave here you won't have to. But until then you can't go out in the light."

"Well...thank you." I stared at the top of his head and wrinkled my nose. "I guess I'm glad you're extremely stubborn, then."

He finally looked up, raising an eyebrow. "You are welcome," he said, sounding amused. "How are you feeling now?"

"Why the fuck do you care?" I picked at a sheet of paper on the cabinet. No one ever asked me how I was feeling, not since I was young.

He eyed me over his paper and set it down, coming around the desk to lean against the front. "Do you want me to continue teaching you?" he asked. "Or would you like me to leave so you may figure everything out yourself?"

"Sorry," I muttered, looking away. "Still getting used to this whole being a fugitive thing, I guess." A thought came to me, and I looked back, frowning. "So, what am I supposed to do, once this 'training' is over?"

"I suspect you will continue to live as a fugitive."

"That's not what I mean, and you know it, Kanin." I gestured vaguely at the ceiling. "Will I be allowed to live back in the fridge? Will the other people snitch on me?"

"Unfortunately," Kanin said, "there is more to it than that." It sounded as if he was going to give another lecture, so I dropped into the chair from the night before, resting my chin in my hands. Kanin paused, watching me a moment, before he continued. "You're a fugitive now, so, yes, you'll be allowed to live in the fridge same as before. That is, if you do not bring up your association with me. And hope that no one recognizes you, that a pet, guard, or vampire never sees you. But you need to understand how to survive as a fugitive before you can strike out on your own. And if you were to go in the inner city, which would be extremely dangerous, you'd have to fit in and change your entire appearance."

"Fit in," I repeated and snorted. "I've been a street rat and a Fringer my whole life. I don't think I'll be cozying up to the vampires of the Inner City anytime soon."

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