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It's finally Saturday! After a whole week of school, I get to do absolutely nothing. I walk downstairs at eleven o'clock, to see Abby sitting by Sparkys cage, changing the wood snippers on the bottom. Of course Abby had to be the one changing the cage every week, because it's her bunny. Throughout the week, Sparky's gotten a bit more used to this home, and she sniffs around sometimes. Abby has been drawing a lot on her notepad, and whenever she makes drawings for me now, she gets all pretentious on how that's different from her "drawing paper", because the notepad has more professional paper.

Luckily, she won't stop drawing for me. Though I do need a new box, because this one is full. I've already got three boxes full of them, so I'm going to have to buy new shoes soon. I always buy them at the same brand, because they just have the ideal box size. Of course I'm not going to buy shoes just for the drawings, but I do need new shoes and also a box for the drawings.
But not today.
Today is a lazy day.

'Hi' I say, sitting down next to Abby. 'How's our doggy?'
She gives me a nasty look. 'Sparky is not a dog, no matter what you think'.
'Alright, alright' I say, and I chuckle. 'But she's such a good boy'.
'She's a girl you idiot' Abby snaps at me. 'And a bunny, not a dog'.
I grin, and let Sparky sniff my hand, before petting her. She's very soft, I have rarely touched something so soft. The only thing I can think of is Flynns cat, but I don't want to think about Flynns cat because I don't want to think about Flynn.

'I need to pee. Can you hold Sparky?' Abby asks, pushing Sparky in my hands.
'Alright' I say, though I didn't really have a choice, considering I'm already holding her. After a while of petting and playing with Sparky, the doorbell rings. I can't put her back in her cage, because it's still half empty. So I just have to take her with me. The person at the door probably won't mind seeing a baby bunny anyway.

I open the door.
'Hi' I say, and then I see who it is.
'She's so CUTE!' Chelsea yells.
'Shh' I say, struggling to hold Sparky. 'Don't scare her'.
'Of course, of course. I'm sorry. Anyway, I came by because my mum needed a few posters for the playground' she explains.
'Alright, come in then'.

Abby comes out of the toilet, and stares at Chelsea.
'Hello' she says, and Chelsea says hello as well.
'I want her back now Cam' she says, stretching her arms out.
'Really? You need to change her cage, it would be inconvenient if you'd have to hold her'.
She pouts, but walks back to the cage and messes with the wood snippers, my mum occasionally yelling instructions at her.

Chelsea walks into the room.
'Hi, I'm getting the posters for my mother...' she says, skipping over all the mess on the floor. My mum gets up quickly.
'Ah, yes, of course, let me... Abigail, you are going to clean that up right?'
Abby sighs, and nods dramatically.
'Yes, of course I will. I'm almost done!' she yells.
My mother leads Chelsea around the house, while I try to hold on to a struggling Sparky.
'Settle down girl' I say, sitting down. 'Abby is almost done'.
When Chelsea has everything she needs, she walks up to me again.
'Oh, by the way, I saw Tyler today' she says, giving me that weird look again.
'Oh, cool' I say, giving up and dropping Skarky on Abbys lap again. 'Where?'
'In the mall' she says. 'He was buying a present, he said'.
'Really? For who?' I ask, brushing some white and black hairs off of my shirt.
'Maybe for his girlfriend' she suggests.
'He doesn't have a girlfriend' I say, without thinking.
'Really? How do you know?'
I'm silent for a few seconds. It wasn't a secret, he said, but I still don't think he'd like me telling everything that he's Gay.
'He told me' I decide to go with, because technically he kinda did. Indirectly.
'Why did he tell you? Did you ask him?'
I raise an eyebrow. 'You think I'd ever ask him anything that personal? Anything that can be taken the wrong way like that?' I ask.
She shrugs. 'Maybe. You seem to be a little more... Courageous around him'.

I shake my head, and sit down on the couch. Now I wonder who Tyler was buying a gift for. Maybe he found a boyfriend? That would be nice, except if he doesn't like me anymore because he just wants to be with his boyfriend then. Maybe I should just shit up and let him buy gift for whomever he wants to buy a gift for. Chelsea sits down next to be, and starts putting the posters in her bag.

'I'm happy for you, that you've found a new friend. I mean, me and Joey are awesome enough already, but new friends are always nice. And Tyler is actually pretty cool'.
I nod. 'I know, I'm still surprises it went so easily'.
She giggles, and shrugs.
'You just like a certain type of person. A bit of a weird type of person, but a very nice one'.
'Yes' I agree. 'And somehow I'm also friends with you'.
Her face changes, and she pushes my arm.
'You ruined our friendship moment Cam, you're changing'.
'You and Joey must have an influence on me' I say.
It's kinda true actually, when I just met them I was nicest I could be around them, because i didn't want them to get mad at me or something. Now, I jokingly insult them a lot, as friends do, but never seriously. I can't lose them as well, then I don't have anyone.

I actually thought I'd be careful around Tyler as well, but it seems to get closer to the level of Chelsea and Joey already. Maybe it's even going towards a Flynn-level. But without all the weird stuff of course, Tyler doesn't do weird stuff. I like that.

Hjellowwww peoples, just wanted to say hi to everyone and thank everyone who's reading this book. I see it being added to lists, getting votes and reads and stuff, and I'm so thankful! I've never really had any readers other than my amazingly awesome friend AttackOnNayNay (🖤🖤🖤), so this is quite exciting :)

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