Chapter 4: Making New Old Friends

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, sure you are. Anyway... Luna, let's introduce ourselves first, okay? Aang told me how he met you. I'm Sokka," Sokka starts while accidentally-on-purpose flexing his non-existent biceps. I try to smother my smile, but I can't help but to compare my biceps with his.

Swimmer's biceps. I win.

Sokka's cheeks redden as he notices my not-so-girly arms and continues quickly, "I'm the, er, fiercest warrior from the Southern Water Tribe. Katara's my sister." He takes a look at my muscles again, and adds, "So don't ever try to harm her, or Aang. Or you will suffer the wrath of the warrior!"

"More like the only warrior," Katara mutters under her breath. Then she continues in a louder voice to block out my chortles. "Oh lighten up Sokka, does she look like someone evil to you?" Then she turns to me and say, "My name's Katara and I'm from the Southern Water Tribe too. I'm a waterbender."

"Aaand I'm Aang, as you already know. I'm from the Southern Air Temple. I'm an airbender and the Avatar," Aang says happily.

Little do they know I already knew their life's story. I've actually finished watching every single episode of Avatar, thrice, and now I'm on a rerun. I am a fan of this show after all.

They turn to look at me expectantly.

Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow-


I swallow audibly and open my mouth to speak and-

"I love you guys!"

Wait. Crap. Did I just propose my love to the characters of a cartoon show???

The three of them stare at me with dumbfounded expressions. Yes, yes I think I just did.

"I- I mean for... er, for saving my life!" I quickly blurt out the first thing that comes to head. "Yeah, thank goodness you guys are here because I mean I was just running out of food and supplies and whatever you need to survive in a weird place like this so you guys turned up which is great..." I blabber on.

They exchange looks, probably thinking I'm a bit demented, but let it past. Looking at their faces, I take a deep breath and try to introduce myself properly again. "Okay. Sorry. Let me try again. Hi, my name's Luna, and I'm fifteen. I came from... somewhere far away. I come in peace." To prove that I'm speaking the truth, I hold my hands up in a 'peace' sign. Then I remember that they don't know what this means so I quickly put my hands down.

I'm not sure if I should let them know how I came to this place. Heck, I don't even know myself! They might freak out and think I'm lying or something.

Or maybe they'll believe me and help me.

Once he hears my answer, Sokka fires me with questions. "Where's 'far away'? Be specific! And what are you doing here? Are you from the Fire Nation, acting as a spy? What kind of clothes are you wearing anyway? Is it...oh, no! I knew it! It's some new Fire Nation disguise!" At this, Sokka reaches behind him to grab his machete.

I raise my hand in panic, trying to calm him down, "No, no! I will never join the Fire Nation! I live... near the pond where I just came from. Aang found me there," then I look at the clothes I am wearing. It's just a casual tee plus jeans, pretty normal. What's wrong with it?

Ah, right. They don't wear t-shirts and jeans here.

"These clothes uh... are what I've been wearing since young. It's-"

Looking at my discomfort, Aang comes to my rescue, "Everything she says is true, Sokka. She's not from the Fire Nation, it's obvious from what she's wearing. I saw a small tent where I met her." Then he turns to look at me, "Does that mean you're all alone?"

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