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I headed out the main glass doors, I looked over the sea of students, and finally spotted my mums car. As I was walking down the stone steps, I felt a hand grab onto my bony shoulder. I quickly turned around to see Emily, who looked a little bummed out. "Whats up?" I asked her as she got close to me, her eyes connected to mine. She seemed to be in a daze for a moment until she caught her words, "My parents said I can't come today, but tomorrow if your free." She said as her smile gleaned across her face. "More than likely I will be free" I said to her as she went in for a hug. After the quick conversation, I headed towards my mums car. I saw Cruz's big head through the backseat window, as well as another boy. I was a little confused as this boy looked unfamiliar, and that only meant that they must've just became friends. How does the little runt make friends so easy I thought to myself as I opened the back door. Cruz and his little friends heads both turned towards me, as if I had three heads. "Yes?" I said as I threw my bag in the back seat and moved around the car to get to the front seat. I got inside the car and buckled my seat, that is when Cruz asked what's up with me. I wasn't in the mood to talk, so I just stared out the window. "Hormones" my mum said as she started the car, Cruz and his friend both let out a little annoying laugh, which angered me more, I just stayed quiet. I watched as we drove many natural landmarks and trees. The little laughter and low chattering behind me seemed to be voided out as I was so intone to my self conscious. How did Cruz even make a new mate this early on? It got me a little angry on how easy life is to him, but that being said, I seem to make life more difficult for myself. "So boy's how was your first day?" My mum asked us as I stayed silent, Cruz however had to speak up, "Eh. It was fine I guess." Well atleast someone enjoyed school. Although I was upset at myself for being so hard to open up to, I was kinda happy that Cruz did find a new friend. I think his name is Mason if I heard Cruz correct.

   We stopped by the house, that is where Cruz and Mason got out, and left into the house. Me on the other hand, I had tennis. Which in one way is a output to my problems, but in another way it was a creation of other problems. By this I mean, that I spend so much time on tennis, that I forget to think about other things, things like my future, my grades, or spending time with family. During the ride my mum and I kept small talk, as she asked about school clearly worried about my day. I kept to myself for most of the time, and only really talked when she went on about the puberty talk, so I had to shush her. Finally we reached the courts, as I saw my instructor waiting for me. I grabbed my bag and went on for a full length of practice, forgetting all the situations with school.

  Sweat ran down my face as I swung the racket and chased the ball down the court. Focus is key in scenarios like this; as if any moment the ball could slip away from me, and cost me the game. My mind is stable at times like this, as it is only me and my opponent. Shit. I watched the ball zoom past me, as my swing hit nothing but the air, I was to tired to go on, and after we could it a day, I headed back into my mums car.

  I was a sweaty mess as droplets of sweat ran down my forehead and down the side of my face towards my neck. "Romeo once we are home, don't bother your brother." My mum said to me assuring that I will not interfere with them. "What are they evening doing?" I asked my mum, "who knows, what did you do with your friends when you were 12?" She asked as I thought of me and my friends breaking into Brooklyn's room and looking going onto his computer. We used to watch porn on it, but the whole time it would just be us giggling and not really knowing what was going on. We reached the house, and as soon as we walked in, I could hear the tv in Cruz's room, before I could go and spy on them I heard a voice from behind me, "Romeo, take a shower. You stink. And don't annoy your brother please!" My mum really didnt want me to ruin this little date that Cruz is having I thought to myself as I laughed a little on the inside. I went up the stairs and into my room, to take a shower.    

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