First day of school

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I took a deep breath as I reached for the latch to open the door of the suv. "Bye Romeo, have a good day." My mom told me as I exited the car, only if she knew that she is dropping me off at my place of death. Right away I noticed the eyes, the eyes of many fangirls. I waved them off and went to class with my head down. "Hey Romeo" a familiar girls voice said faintly. I looked up to see the girl I knew from 7th year, her name was Emily. She was a soft spoken girl, with beautiful bluish-green eyes. Her auburn hair masked her pretty face, that she felt so self conscious about. Ive also partially noticed how her small frame filled out with her breast growing to a nice nice, as well as her behind. She was gorgeous in my eyes, but oddly I just couldnt find a affection towards her. No matter how hard I try to focus in on us, together; it always gets side tracked with different people. I shyly make small talk with her, while trying to make my best attempt of ignoring the passing crowd who called my name. "Hey Emily, how was your summer?" I asked as I rubbed my hand across the back of my neck. "It was alright, just wished that we got to hang out more." She said as her eyes lit up, it was almost as obvious as her telling me, just her motions; I could tell that she liked me. Not uncommon, I thought as many fangirls drool over my instagram post, but this girl right here, it seemed almost odd. We have always had a close relationship but I never thought of it like that. "Well hey, if you want to come over my house after i'm done with tennis practice, your more than welcomed." I told her as she did a small smile, showing off her beautiful white teeth. "Sure, who's going to be there." She asked as her face turned a slight shade of red. "Probably my mum, and my annoying little brother, and also sister." I said letting out a little giggle. "Wheres Brooklyn, or your dad" she asked as she tried to keep the conversation going. "My dad just left this morning, to the states, I think to deal with endorsements or something with futbol, Brooklyn on the other hand started university in New York." Before she could say anything else the bell rung, leaving us to part ways. We waved eachother out goodbyes and proceeded to our classes. I pushed past the cluttered hallways and finally reached my first class of the day, which was English.
    Have I ever told you, I hate english. Literally I treat this class like nap time, I just can't keep up with how boring the topic is. I sat at my desk with my head leaning on hand as my eyelids actually hurt to stay open. Quietly I day dreamt of life in the future; it felt so overwhelming. I had high hopes as a child, as the media pressed in on every move me or my parents would do. I was expected to be this high shot footballer, but in fact, I had little to none interest in the sport. I pictured myself as a renown tennis player, winning cha- The bell rung me back to life, as I wiped the little bit drool on my face with my hand. I grabbed my ba and headed towards my next class. Math, then biology. After those two periods, I lugged on to World History. There on of my close mates sat in the middle of class, with a empty chair next to him. I quickly rushed over to the seat high fiving him on the way. "Hey Romeo, what's up?" He said to me as I took my seat. His name was Ryan. He had nice sandy blonde hair, and blue eyes. His face was littered with freckles and he had a perfectly sculpted jawline. He had a pretty tone body, and was about the same height as me. He was perfect in my eyes, and yet for some odd reason he has never dated anyone. "Nothing much, just been wanking off alot" I said jokingly as we both laughed. "Yeah same, but to your mum" He said as he laughed, but I didn't. I dont know why I felt angry, I dont care about the joke he made about my mum, but I think for the fact that it basically meant he is straight. I continued to stride along the class, avoiding much chat from Ryan. Finally PE, I thought to myself. Being the first day of school we were not forced to change, but we all had to participate in a good hygiene presentation. I looked across the bleachers to see Ryan talking to a group of the kids. They all cringed at the thought of having to take showers in front of people, while I was just more interested in going home. Finally the final bell rung, and I was off to practice. 

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